If Only He Knew

by Nellie 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nellie

    I was running a normal errand this morning - drove to the post office to mail a package. Urgh! My car wouldn't start back up! Fortunately I had one of those portable jump-batteries in the trunk. As I was hooking it up (my first time using it - I was sooo proud of myself) a car pulled up alongside me. I couldn't believe it - out of the thousands of brothers we know, here was one of the few I can honestly say my husband detests!!! He made a few racial comments to him years ago - I think he called him "Boy." For those of you who don't know - never call a black man "boy". It's one of the seven deadly sins!

    Anyway, he offers to help. But the car wouldn't turn over. So he's looking for something to say - obviously he doesn't know we're gone (though not DFd or DAd) and starts off with "what did you think when you looked over a saw a brother pulling up?" I guess I was supposed to say something like "the angels sent you," huh? I looked at him and said "surprise!" Then he starts saying how he would've helped me no matter who I was. (Why he felt it necessary to say this I don't know.) Then he goes on to tell me how one day his car was stuck and this car pulls up with "four huge black men in it" and how they helped him and were "as gracious as any brothers would've been." Again, I'm asking myself "why are you saying this to me???"

    Anyway, he offers to drive me home and I'm thinking - I've got Santa on my front door! That would be a hoot! But I decide to wait for AAA to help! He tells me to take his cell phone number and call him if I need a lift. What a gem! If Only He Knew!

  • Medic!?

    He is probably one of those opportunistic hypocrites who was hoping to flirt with you. It sounds like he is a closet racist. Especially with the references to race in his conversations it sounds. Glad you made it home ok though!

  • Nellie

    There's never been any flirt involved - but yes, he's definitely a closet racist.

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