The Watchtower and Conditional Morality

by Stephanus 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    I was thinking about the conditional nature of "love" in the 'Tower, when I realised that "Conditionality" is pretty well the nature of the beast. Hence "conditional morality". For example, the rules on lying: that witholding the truth from undeserving ones is not wrong.

    What other examples are there?


    Steph..For a lot of JW`s,morality is about sex..Even then,not many follow the rules..My personal experience is,not many know what morality is..Even less have any real morals..Theres always a way to get what you want,regardless of who you hurt...OUTLAW

  • Stephanus
    Even then,not many follow the rules..My personal experience is,not many know what morality is..Even less have any real morals..

    "Moral absolutes" was another term that cropped up while thinking about this subject. There don't seem to be many of those in the JW culture.

    Another example of conditional morality I just thought of: Bad Association. It's wrong. But if joining the UN as an NGO, attending court with Jimmy Swaggart and frequenting multi-faith conferences will "advance Kingdom interests", it's perfectly okay.

  • Arthur

    For Jehovah's Witnesses; the guidance to what is moral and immoral may only be found in the official "Talmud" of the Faithful Slave - The Watchtower magazine. When I was growing up in the organization; I never heard of any Witness answering a moral dilemma by going to the Scriptures. They answered all moral dilemmas by going to the bound volumes. This even included matters of minor importance. If no imformation could be found; then they would utilize the method of last resort - prayer.

  • searching4truth

    I am particularly fond of they reasoning that basicly anything is fair game as long as it's in the interest of "spiritual warfare". They use that as a get out of jail free card alot.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    What I have found lately is that as long as you go to the hall you can do whatever your concious will allow. One of my few remaining friends told me he didn't know if he should hang out with me since I dont go to the hall. Meanwhile another friend of his who is a MS and is known to get in fight's with other 'brother's' over girls is good to hang out with since he goes to the hall.

    Going to the hall now seems to be the sole moral compass for JW's (see last weeks WT study)

  • Abandoned

    Going to the hall now seems to be the sole moral compass for JW's (see last weeks WT study)

    And, of course, obeying the koolaidpuppet master.

  • 5go

    What I have found lately is that as long as you go to the hall you can do whatever your concious will allow. One of my few remaining friends told me he didn't know if he should hang out with me since I dont go to the hall. Meanwhile another friend of his who is a MS and is known to get in fight's with other 'brother's' over girls is good to hang out with since he goes to the hall.

    Going to the hall now seems to be the sole moral compass for JW's (see last weeks WT study)

    Don't forget turning in atleast nine point whatever hours a month. yeah it is basicaly as long as you appear to believe they don't care. Fights fist or word ?

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