A "Stumbling" Question

by changtech 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • changtech

    I posted a few months ago, explaining how my long-time boyfriend, who is a JW, was not willing to compromise with my beliefs and lifestyle.

    Anyways, we have since broken up, but are still good friends. He continues to insist that I start another bible study, but I tell him, I won't because he hasn't answered many of my questions, which include 1914, the 144,000, etc. (which I definitely don't believe). I also said I want these questions answered from outside sources besides the WT.

    I've tried to come up with ways to get him to understand his religion isn't the truth, but I don't think it is possible, as I'm sure many of you understand.

    Anyways, I asked him this question the other day:

    "If your faith is the truth, why do you constantly update your faith (ie: with things such as the new Revelation book), meaning things that you claim are the definite truth now, may be completely different in 5 years? How could I ever believe anything in your faith was true, if it's constantly changing?"

    He had a hard time answering this, and maybe I shed some "new light" on to him. I hope I typed the question in a way that made sense!

  • Wild_Thing

    Didn't you already post this? Or was that someone else?

  • jgnat

    Good job!

    First of all, for respecting yourself and him enough to break off an unequal relationship.

    Second, for giving him pointed questions to help him think.

    I think, if you keep asking questions like these, it will help him think outside the box he has himself in. Consider, though that nobody can rescue him without him wanting it. Keep laying the groundwork and leave it at that.

    Steve Hassan in his books www.freedomofmind.com gives more tips on how to break through the cultic mindset. Once in a while you might try asking him to put himself in your shoes. This breaks him out of his rehearsed role, and helps him think things through from another perspective.

  • jgnat

    I see you entered the same post twice. You might not see your new topic showing up on the main page. Click on "active topics" and you will see the original replies.


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