Morton Edgar's 1924 Pyramid books--PDFs!

by cabasilas 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cabasilas

    In 1924 Morton Edgar published 3 books on the Great Pyramid. He is better known for his collaboration with his brother Dr John Edgar in the 2 volume set "Great Pyramid Passages." Those 2 volumes were published during C.T. Russell's lifetime and then were subsequently reprinted (with some revisions) in 1923. The Edgar brothers wrote in support of the idea that the Great Pyramid confirmed Russell's "Divine Plan" and also corroborated Russell's chronology. Russell considered the Edgar brothers good friends and even named Dr John Edgar in his will as a possible alternate for the Editorial Committee. Dr John Edgar, however, preceded Russell in death.

    The 3 book set published in 1924 was entirely written by Morton Edgar and did not achieve the circulation of the "Great Pyramid Passages" set. A little background is in order. Morton Edgar was affiliated with J.F. Rutherford and was cited in support of a controversy that broke out when the "Herald of Christ's Kingdom" (the magazine published by the directors ousted by JFR) suggested that the 1914 date was in error because they were not rejecting the 606 BC date in favor of 536 BC. The Watch Tower magazine came out strong in support of Russell's chronology and the 1914 date. This chronology discussion can be found in the 1923 issues of the Watch Tower. In addition to their biblical interpretation they also cited the research of the Edgar brothers. Morton Edgar wrote a huge letter which was published in the WT defending Russell's chronology and also supported Rutherford's "Millions Now Living" work. The "Great Pyramid Passages" volumes were republished and Morton Edgar also wrote and published 3 more books on the Great Pyramid. 2 of these books were written specifically to support the 1914 chronology. These books have now been made into PDFs:

    The Great Pyramid -- Its Spiritual Symbolism

    The Great Pyramid -- Its Scientific Features: 1914 A.D. and the Great Pyramid--Part 1

    The Great Pyramid -- Its Time Features: 1914 A.D. and the Great Pyramid--Part II

    The December 31, 1924 Golden Age, pp. 209-211 refers to this latest work by Morton Edgar and even reproduces one of the maps from these volumes. That article in the Golden Age can be seen at:

    The first volume ("Spiritual Symbolism") has been republished by the Bible Students but I don't believe the other two (the 1914 series) ever was republished by them. Perhaps one reason is that Part II of the 1914 series volumes contains some pro-JFR comments referring to the "Millions" campaign. Interestingly, that volume also ends with a suggestion that the Great Pyramid pointed to an event due to occur on May 30, 1928 which, no doubt, fanned some of the speculations at that time.

    1928 actually saw JFR's dropping of pyramidology and Morton's departure from fellowship with him. He then joined with those Bible Students who held onto Russell's views.

    At any rate, I thought some researchers here would enjoy reading the PDFs of these Morton Edgar volumes.

  • Satanus

    Thanks. It's good to have for reference.

    named Dr John Edgar in his will as a possible alternate for the Editorial Committee. Dr John Edgar, however, preceded Russell in death.

    Imagine if he had gotten control, instead of a lawyer. The wt corp would have been fringe still, but wierder and much more benign.


  • Atlantis


    Fantastic work! Excellent for researchers! Good job!

    Thanks for all your hard work you put into this!

    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • garybuss

    Great job ! Awesome! Thanks! Keep em coming.

  • cabasilas

    A correction. I had said:

    The first volume ("Spiritual Symbolism") has been republished by the Bible Students but I don't believe the other two (the 1914 series) ever was republished by them. Perhaps one reason is that Part II of the 1914 series volumes contains some pro-JFR comments referring to the "Millions" campaign. Interestingly, that volume also ends with a suggestion that the Great Pyramid pointed to an event due to occur on May 30, 1928 which, no doubt, fanned some of the speculations at that time.

    I got the titles mixed up. The first volume of the 1914 series ("Its Scientific Features") was the only volume I'm aware of that was republished by Bible Student groups. It is included in a reprint by the Portland Bible Students. I don't believe that the second volume of the 1914 series ("Its Time Features") or the "Spiritual Symbolism" volume have ever been republished.

    Edgar apparently planned a third volume for "Great Pyramid Passages" but as far as I can tell it never actually was published. The three volumes of this series appear to be a simplified presentation of the "Great Pyramid Passages" series and thus reveals what was intended for that last volume.

  • Leolaia

    Thanks! I'll take a look when I get back...

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    Very interesting post Cabasilas. I knew Russell was into pyramids but didn't know it carried on well into Rutherfords time.

    I had to laugh at the Golden Age PDF you linked to. The first paragraph has a statement by Ben Franklin about technological progress and future morality and the mag says it's a prophetic inspiration based on statements in the bible!
    This from one of the leading intellects of the enlightenment who rejected religion and the bible and who argued morality was seperate from both.

    Looks like the WBTS has never changed it's ways in misquoting authorities to serve it's own agenda.

  • cabasilas

    The Watchtower magazine had positive things to say about the pyramids as late as April 1928.

    Many people associate the 2 volume "Great Pyramid Passages" set with the Russell era. There are 2 main editions of those volumes. The first edition has dark maroon covers and was published around 1910 and is harder to find. The more commonly known volumes are the edition published in 1923/1924 with blue covers. The second edition has been extensively revised (basically reinterpreting the significance of 1914) and are essentially pro-Rutherford.

    For example, I was reading last night in Volume 2 of "Great Pyramid Passages" (1923 ed.) and came across this gem on page 151:

    "Hence the Spirit-begotten members of the Body of Christ, who are still in the flesh awaiting their "change" to the spirit condition, proclaim not only that the reign of Christ is now begun, but that millions now living will never die!"

    There's a footnote here which says:

    "See the booklet by Judge Rutherford, published by the "Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society," Brooklyn, N.Y., USA., and London, England, entitled: Millions Now Living Will Never Die. This booklet, with its wonderful message of life, has been printed in many languages, and has been circulated over the world."

    I remembered that the Portland Bible Students have done a photo-reprint of Volumes 1 and 2 of this edition of "Great Pyramid Passages" and went to check to see if their photo-reprint contained this endorsement of JFR. It does not. The footnote number and the entire footnote have been whited out and on the bottom of page 151 in their printing there is a large white space. All in all, I think the Portland Bible Student reprint contains over 99 per cent of the original, however. But not this footnote.

  • GrandmaJones
  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    thanks grandma jones!

    there have been and are some very industrious people over the years providing links to information that mere mortals like me would not even know where to start looking for stuff!

    so to all you researchers and those who bump to the top:



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