"My Mother Coerced My 13 Year Old Daughter to be Baptized."

by scout575 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • scout575

    "My stepfather, a leader in the church youth community, was sexually abusive, and my mother was physically and mentally abusive...Paradoxically it was perfectly all right for my mother to forgive her child-molesting husband and remain married to him...My decision to leave the church has caused definite strain on nearly every relationship with my Christian family members, though they will never speak of it. My mother coerced my 13 year old daughter to be baptized recently and that has caused some major problems for us since I had specifically told her she should wait until she had done some more research...Its good to read other testimonials to know that I am not alone in this." ( A quotation from: Ex-Christian.net / Testimonies of former Christians / Religion Compounded Family Dysfunction / Poster's username: JesusZombieAteMyBrains )

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    christian ยน fundamentalist whack jobs

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