Why do DVD makers work so hard to make them crummy?

by AlmostAtheist 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    I miss VHS tapes. When Zach was Sierra's age (two years old) he could put his Barney tapes in by himself, switch them when he wanted to, he could do it all. He enjoyed being that independent.

    Sierra's videos are on DVD. When you put a DVD in, you never know what the hell is going to happen. Maybe it will play. Maybe it will bring up a menu. Maybe there will be previews that you can't "menu" out of.

    Today she put her Barney DVD in. It started playing previews, so I pressed "menu". It said, "Operation prohibited at this time." Ok, I'm used to DVD's telling me what I can and can't do, though I thought this was over the top. So I pressed "Stop". It said, "Operation prohibited at this time." WTF? I'm not "allowed" to STOP it? I pressed "next" and -- probably due to a programming error -- it let me get away with that. After a few "next"'s, I got to a point where I could press "menu". Then after two selections from two menu's, I got to a point where I could press "next" to get past some OTHER thing, and FINALLY play the freakin' video.

    I'm not exaggerating this. The above steps are what are required to go from DVD-in-box to watching-the-DVD.

    Why is this ok? Why did we have to give up the ease and predictability of VHS, to get DVD quality? I don't think we did, I think it was a choice someone made.

    Maybe by the time she's 14, she can handle her own DVD gymnastics...


  • exjdub


    After Sierra figures it out maybe she can show me how to do it. I get so aggravated with the very issues you are talking about...but I always thought it was me!


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    My mom used to call me all the time asking me how to work her dvd player (hey's she's in her 70's give her a break )

    I'm betting that they want to make darn sure that people read the Warnings about the FBI or whatever at the beginning. This way a person can't say they didn't see it when they get prosecuted for making copies of the movies and selling them for a buck.

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