Annoited ones not needed on Earth when Armageddon comes ???

by The_Replacement 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The_Replacement

    Is this where the Watchtower is headed ???

    Appears all the annoited class (pre 1935) are pretty much gone, or not coherent.

    With the 24 elder idea in the January 2007 Wathctower, will the annoited class not be needed during Armageddon, or will all 144,000 be with Jesus when Armageddon comes, hey thats a good idea Watchtower, I should be on the governing body.

  • blondie

    Depending on where you read in the WTS publications, they take both sides of the question, that some of the anointed will be on earth when the GT begins but then will all 144,000 have to be heaven when the marriage of the bride and lamb begins (currently set to begin after Babylon the Great is destroyed).


  • Zico

    The Jan 1st WT says that they don't know whether or not they'll be any anointed left when Armageddon comes. They really should admit, that they just don't actually know anything.

    My guess is that they've revised this teaching as they want to force the Anointed number down, and introduce Great Crowd members onto the GB.

  • The_Replacement
    introduce Great Crowd members onto the GB.

    Bingo !!!!!!!!!!!, I think you are right. Never thought of that.

  • james_woods

    zico says "The Jan 1st WT says that they don't know whether or not they'll be any anointed left when Armageddon comes. They really should admit, that they just don't actually know anything."

    I agree - they don't even "know" if even one single person in their organization is really "anointed" or not. I submit that this notion is a phony one and that every single person who partakes of the emblems is either delusional or just plain faking it.

    But, maybe we should give them credit for knowing how to take the publishers money, invest it in lots of expensive real estate and stocks, and then cash it all in and get the hell out of Ft. Apache the Bronx...

  • heathen

    I thought the new dogma included the anointed great crowd . My belief is that all the 144k die as martyrs and are part of the first resurrection , the great crowd are the ones that are changes after the last trumpet blast and meet the lord in the air as he descends to earth in the city of new jerusalem to save his people from the great tribulation .They do have a pretty messed up doctrine on this stuff .

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Know what's really funny though?

    The number of partakers doesn't go down..even though the old ones are dying off.

  • plmkrzy

    all the 144k die as martyrs and are part of the first resurrection

    That was my understanding as well, not necessarily my belief.

  • heathen
    That was my understanding as well, not necessarily my belief.

    there are scriptures that make it clear . I do believe what the bible says not how people want it to appear to say which is what the WTBTS likes to do. Just look at Revs 20:4 pretty clear there .

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