proof of the bible?

by Sam87 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sam87

    Hi everyone, i found this on myspace on one of the JW groups (overun by apostates hehe), it is an interesting read, its about some 'proof' of the bible, whether or not it proves the bible is very questionable though, but the part about Sodom and Gomorrah down the bottom was very interesting, what are your thoughts on this article? what do you think its strengths/weaknesses are? thanks


  • Sam87
  • Abandoned

    I can't get it to work, so I'll just offer my view of what it "might" say.

    If it says that the bible is god's word then I have a question: why did so many nations came together to overthrow adolf hitler when he attempted genocide, but the israelites were praised and awarded with a land flowing with milk and honey when they did it? Is this god's message for me today? Should I apply this double-standard of hypocrisy to everything I do or only when people's lives are at stake?

    Ooops! I guess I asked more than one question. I hope that doesn't make me a hypocrite (unless of course that's the goal anyway).

  • Sam87

    ok, there i got it finaly! lol, i see your point abandoned, i have been questioning everyone who talks to me about the bible with similar things. the only reason i posted this on here was to get everyones viewpoint, not to make out anyones a hypocrit promise, lol.

    The bible claims that snakes originally did not go about on their bellies. (Genesis 3:14)

    This is exactly what fossil evidence supports; that snakes have legged ancestors.
    One should wonder how Moses could have known such a thing, as Moses would have never personally seen a snake with legs.

    Genesis 3:1) "the serpent was more prudent than any animal of the field"

    The bible goes on to relate a conversation that took place through this snake to the woman. Many may find it hard to believe this legged ancestor snake was able to speak.

    However the communication abilities of animals has been demonstrated by the African grey parrot Alex and the gorilla Koko. Wild bottle nosed dolphins have there own personal names... and groundhogs have been found describing in detail any human that approaches their area; such as what color their clothing is, whether they have a gun, etc.

    (Genesis 1:21) "And God proceeded to create the great reptiles..."
    Tyrannosaurus Rex

    Many English bible translations use the term dragon to refer to a great reptile. The bible makes reference to many of such animals that lived at the same time as man. How could dragon blood cells, blood vessels, and connective tissue last 68 MILLION years? A few thousand years seems to align with Occam's razor.

    The bible points out that angelic beings took human wives for themselves and produced offspring (Genesis 6). The children were not human like us, rather they were a hybrid-humanoid race.

    (left; neanderthal, right; human)

    We existed before them, they have larger brain cavities, stronger muscles, they were cannibalistic and very violent, and their mtDNA demonstrates we did not or could not productively mate with them. They were superior in every physical way yet they all died off "some how" which the bible explains was through the flood.

    (Genesis 7:11) " the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on this day all the springs of the vast watery deep were broken open and the floodgates of the heavens were opened."

    "Second month." Following the Exodus from Egypt, when Jehovah gave the Israelites the sacred calendar, this became the eighth month, known as Bul, corresponding to the latter half of October and first half of November.

    God is said to have destroyed the children of the angels on October 31, or November 1 by global flood. Hollows Eve, All saints day, and All souls day may come from a demonic commemoration of there children's death. "many of these customs predate Christianity, going back to Celtic practices associated with Nov. 1... Witches and other evil spirits were believed to roam the earth on this evening, playing tricks on human... Bonfires were lit, offerings were made of dainty foods and sweets, and people would disguise themselves as one of the roaming spirits, to avoid demonic persecution." -

    "Then Yahovah rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from Yahovah out of the heavens" - Genesis 19:24. "Turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly" - 2 Peter 2:6.

    The first century Jewish historian Josephus said, "The traces or shadows of the five cities are still to be seen."

    The satelite image shows how these cities are almost entirely turned into white ash.

    Hundreds of sulfur balls have been collected all around these cities.

    "Embedded in these pure ashen remains are sulphur, or brimstone balls. Sulphur is usually found in crystalline form, but this sulphur is unique to the world as it is round, white and has the consistency of compact powder. It is usually 30-40% sulphur, whereas these sulphur balls are 95-98% pure sulphur. The impurities in the sulphur are metals that would add to the heat given off. It burns at 5000-6000 degrees Fahrenheit. It was tested at Galbraith Laboratories, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. They said that a BTU test could not be done as it would damage their stainless steel testing chamber. Sulphur is usually only found by volcanoes, sulfide ore mineral veins, or by sedimentary rocks associated with anhydrite, gypsum, limestone and saltdomes. We know that these sulphur balls must have been burning at some time in the past, because of the presence of burn rings around them." -

  • SixofNine

    "A few thousand years seems to align with Occam's razor."

    Occam's razor is about the simplest explanation, not the simplest mind.

  • kid-A

    "The bible goes on to relate a conversation that took place through this snake to the woman. Many may find it hard to believe this legged ancestor snake was able to speak."

    >Probably because many are aware that reptiles cannot speak nor do they possess the neuronal or physiological capacity to ever make this a possibility. The point is irrelevant anyways because the biblical myth states that Satan took the "form" or "appearance" of a snake, not that an actual snake was talking.

    "However the communication abilities of animals has been demonstrated by the African grey parrot Alex and the gorilla Koko."

    >Rudimentary communication perhaps, certainly not the transmission of abstract concepts and certainly not anything even remotely resembling complex human language.

    "Wild bottle nosed dolphins have there own personal names..."

    >The evidence for this is extremely weak and not convincing, regardless, there are no published citations provided. There is some evidence for unique ultrasonic signatures used when interacting with certain conspecifics, but this in no way demonstrates an active "naming" process among dolphins comparable to human traditions.

    "and groundhogs have been found describing in detail any human that approaches their area; such as what color their clothing is, whether they have a gun, etc."

    > This is just silly nonsense. Even if this were a possibility (which it is not) how would a human be able to interpret this level of semantic symbolism from the squeaks and grunts of a groundhog? Again, if there is any compelling evidence for this, it will be necessary to provide publised citations from reputable journals to make such a claim.

  • Narkissos
    the biblical myth states that Satan took the "form" or "appearance" of a snake, not that an actual snake was talking.


  • badboy



  • Blueblades

    Who wrote the Bible? Richard Elliott Friedman. The Bible Unearthed, archaeology's new vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of it's Sacred Texts. Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman. Proof of the Bible Historically written is accepted. However that it is inspired of God is in question. These two books give one pause on the subject .


  • gaiagirl

    One problem I see is that the article appears to claim that Neanderthals were the Biblical Nephilim, because they were stronger and had larger brains than modern Cro-Magnon type humans. However, the fossil record is very clear that Neanderthals existed LONG before Cro-Magnons. Neanderthal bones have been dated earlier than 250,000 years, while no Cro-Magnon bones older than 50,000 years have ever been found. So, it seems difficult for Neanderthals to be hybrid offspring of Cro-Magnons and angels, since for most of Neanderthals tenure on Earth, their supposed parents didn't yet exist.

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