Holidays at Bethel

by darth frosty 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I never knew how important holidays were till I went to Bethel. Of course as a witness you back away from the workplace and school holiday celebrations and sometimes, if you worked in a job that was open on holidays, you would work for the extra money or whatever. I never realized how important holidays were till I got to bethel and had to hike over to the factory on thxgiving day, christmas day and new years day.

    Those are all prime football days. FOOTBALL!!! Do you have any Idea what it is like to be printing up some D@mn signitures when the lions are on, the only time I can see my home team in NY. I missed 3 rose bowl's up in that joint. While most witnesses can play at going out in service and be done at noon, I still had four hours to go. There were some who would use a vacation day so they could watch the game, of course the powers that be frowned on this.

    I know there are ex and maybe current Bethelites on here, Yall with me on this one?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Howdy Darth,

    Football? Is that the sport where they use the ball with the pointy end? Sorry! Sort of a private joke, a self-deprecating jab we non-athletes made at ourselves. I could catch a pass, though. I cannot say much on your wanting to see a game per se, but as a Bethelite in the 60s and 70s, I surely was aware of having the clamps put on. Did you have the BAs and the SRs, too, when you were there? Naturally, if you were "Self-righteous", you were a good little boy and thought good thoughts and did good deeds. If you were a "Bad-attitude" dude, well....It was such an insular world that many of us were not really aware that life existed outside, so to speak. Plus the most important fact of all: we had NO TV! So while I am not a sports fan, I understand fully the desire and the NEED to have diversion and not be guilted for it. The sports areas in Bethel (which I never frequented) were set up while I was there to provide a release for the pent-up energy of raucous, young Bethelites. And, importantly, it was a controlled environment. Did we need control? Not us SRs!

    I'm glad I used the DOUAY VERSION for my thread. Whoda thunk I would be so directed at 2:00 a.m.? Thanx for your post.

    A former inmate,


  • Outaservice

    I'm origionally from Michigan and certainly not pro-Watchtower. But, I'd have to say, I would just as soon be wrapping Watchtower magazines on a Holiday in place of watching THE LIONS play football.

    Outaservice (now rooting for Florida teams)

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    when I was at bethel it was 93-96 the height of barry sanders career. BAck then the lions were good on thxgiving.

  • delilah

    I'm origionally from Michigan and certainly not pro-Watchtower. But, I'd have to say, I would just as soon be wrapping Watchtower magazines on a Holiday in place of watching THE LIONS play football.

    Outaservice (now rooting for Florida teams)

    Oh my god, are you kidding me? I'd rather watch ANY football game, than wrap magazines on a holiday. and I'm a Pat's and Green Bay fan.

  • TheBundo

    Quit whining. You Sound like the people that join the military then complain about going to war

    :smile: (how do you make a smile icon, or a wink icon here?)

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    If you don't have the Smilies icon at the top of your reply box then.....







    Semi colon I think is what it is called

    And then in the smiley features there is

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    That was one of the items that to this day, I still have a deep-seated hatred for that. On Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, etc., unless it was Sunday (and sometimes even if it was), we were at "work" at our job assignments. I mentally began "celebrating" the holidays once I left the 'big house.'

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