For those who pray...

by *jeremiah* 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • *jeremiah*

    I personally believe prayer is powerful and I'm sure that I'm not the only one on here who believes that.

    So, how about starting a prayer list?

    Just list your friends or family still in the borg and myself and others will pray for them to be enlightened to the JW's yoke of slavery. Of course if there are any other prayer requests too, just put it down.

    My family:

    Barb(my mom) and Dan

    brothers: Micah and family, and Mark and family

  • mouthy

    My family:

    Barb(my mom) and Dan

    brothers: Micah and family, and Mark and family
    My Daughter> Annmarie,grandkids Heather ,Vanessa,& all the rest of my family

  • LittleToe

    Prayer lists always remind me of grocery shopping. If the Spirit doesn't "burden" me to pray then I don't, period.

    That having been said, having an idea of what people would like prayed about never hurts.

  • mouthy

    That my kids will come out of the WT before I die LT & I can cuddle them again

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