US evangelist preacher admits battle with 'dark side'

by jstalin 3 Replies latest social current

  • jstalin

    I think the saddest part of this whole situation is that Rev. Haggard is only going to perpetuate the hate and intolerance of homosexuality amongst the evangelicals he used to represent. One important quote from him:

    "I am a deceiver and a liar. There’s a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I have been warring against it for all of my adult life."

    You see, he knows full well that he has repressed his homosexuality, but he simply had to act on it, probably because a lifetime of repression tears you up inside. He knows he's gay, and he acted on it because he realized it was what he needed to do. But now he calls it his "dark" and "repulsive" side of life. I'm sad for the likely tens of thousands of similarly repressed gay evangelicals who will look at this episode as another example of how they need to continue to repress themselves and remain internally miserable.

    Thankfully, there are public figures who are admitting their homosexuality and who are proud of it, and who are living their lives happily.

  • Abaddon

    Now, given the 'fundy line' on homosexuality is that is 100% CHOICE and caused by ENVIRNONMENT...

    ... obviously the upper hierachy of this organisation must be crammed full of homosexual's whose 'gay vibes' made this man fall into temptation.

    Or is Satan to blame?

    I mean it is obviously nothing to do with any inbuilt inclination... just like dogs raised to be vegetarians by stupid owners will not eat meat from any inbuilt inclination but as a result of sniffing a carnivourous dog's bottom...?

    I feel sorry for the poor sod. He is so conflicted and must loathe himself. Pity that those around him want him the way they want him, not the way he is.

    Has the good stuff he's done for other people changed one iota because of this? No; unfortunately the sex-obsession of fundamental religions (Motto; control their sex life and everything else is EASY) criminalises people who have committed a victimless 'crime'.

  • jukief

    I don't feel sorry for him. He admittedly knew he was gay his entire adult life, yet he married a woman and had children and took his hypocrisy to new heights by becoming an evangelical preacher and railing against gay marriage. The hypocrisy is staggering. And, when he was outed, he lied about it, compounding his dishonesty. It's one thing to live a lie, but he should have known enough to keep his big mouth shut. There's nothing sinful about being gay, and it was obviously something he had no control over. But he *could* control his public hypocrisy. I knew so many dubs like this; it's always the most self-righteous ones who have the biggest skeletons in their closets.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    That guy Haggart is a hypocritical piece of garabage and deserves everything he gets. I don't feel sorry for him at all. This is another reason why I have no use for religion. Will

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