Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child?

by Sailor Ripley 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sailor Ripley
    Sailor Ripley

    Not sure if this has been posted before, but I'm wondering, since I have a two-yr-old and she has friends that are bad (scream, fits, say "no" a lot, hit, kick, whatever) and no one seems to care.

    We get a note yesterday from her Mommy-Day-Out about "Discipline vs. Punishment." It reads things like, "hold your child when they're out of control." Why are they out of control? Let your kids make their own decisions about why they're in time out. We don't have time for time-out. If you continue to do something I told you not to do you're gonna get a smack on the rump. Not a beating, not abuse, a smack on the rump to get your attention.

    I was never allowed to get out of control. Mom said, "stop" and we stopped. We were kids, I didn't want to be making my own decisions. All I wanted was what I wanted right that second, not what was best for me over the long-haul. Our schools are a wreck, kids are bad. I would have never thought to talk back to my teacher! If I did I knew it was straight to the Principal's office for you, three licks and back to the class to learn and shut my piehole.

    Am I out of my tree to think that I'm the one responsible for my kid's well-being, which includes their understanding of right and wrong. If my kids act up then I’ve failed them, which seems to be contrary to current opinion.

  • megsmomma

    I think you are right........A tap on the rear to get their attention is a method we believe in. I would never smack my kids though...never use a paddle....and don't want anyone else spanking them. As for people who have bratty kids because they let them do whatever they want....well, they will be dealing with those bratty kids the rest of their they get their karma there! I think some kids are sensitive enough to just be able to talk to them and have it work as well as a pop on the rear.

  • candidlynuts

    if the kids are misbehaving around the child to the point that its a problem, maybe you should rethink using that particular mommy's day out program.

    2 yr olds are pretty much uncontrollable if they want to be. mine were easily distracted so i used that method instead of spanking. by the time they got close to three yrs old they understood verbal commands better and were better behaved.of course by 5 yrs old they figure out how to negotiate with mom and dad lol..(you'll hear " but mom i .......!! or but dad i.............!!" a million times before they're 18)

    i never was big on spanking..if you hit the child your teaching it its ok to hit. most i ever did was smack their hands to get them out of something. i dont think a smack on the rump is going to damage the kid for life. i'm not that anti spanking.. i just used other methods.

  • Sailor Ripley
    Sailor Ripley

    It's not any particular group or situation. It's kids freakin' everywhere at all ages. In Target, Grocery Store, whatever. The mom says, "come here" and the kid keeps on trucking.

    Hitting begets hitting... I've heard this before, quite often actually, and though I've never seen any data or research on it, I guess that if I was "beating" my kid with my closed fist or punching them they might turn out to be mal-adjusted. There is a distinct difference in controlled spanking and an all out beating by a 250 lb Daddy. I'm talking about spanking their bottom. If my kid goes to school and hits some kid, then we'll have to add that to the things that we talk about too. But, I refuse to let my kid dictate, with their actions, how I'm going to discipline them. I got spanked about once per week because I needed an good attitude adjustment. I'm glad they did it. I feel that I'm better for it, and to this day I have respect for my elders.

    So I guess I've made up my own mind. Though I could very well be out of my tree. My kids will want to say "Sir" and "Ma'am", they'll have respect for adults and they'll salute the US Flag. Oh, yeah, and they'll get their butts busted when they need it.

    Thanks for your comments

  • Mitch McDeere
    Mitch McDeere

    I don't know. I think that spanking a kid may just be a quick means to an end. It is basically Pavlovian behavioral training. Act out and get a smack. I can see the benefit in other types of consequences like taking away priveleges or having a kid sit in a corner. The kid is having attention taken away and not given like with a spanking. I do have to say that I don't have any kids so I may be out of it compared to some of you parents. It may be that a 2 year old needs immediate feedback, but I never got spanked and I turned out pretty well. My Dad would crack his belt and that was all it took - he never touched me though. When they get older - a long lecture is way more painful than a smack!

  • DesertRat

    My father believed in old-fashioned discipline, but only meted it out when he felt it was truly needed (unlike my mother, who seemed to delight in slapping me for the slightest offenses..). How often I still recall, "This is going to hurt me, Son, more than it hurts you.." or my attempts to get out of punishment with, "I love you, Dad," only to hear, "I love you too, Son, which is why I need to do this.."

    At the time I may have thought my parents mean or unfair, & I frequently envied my JW friends whose parents were more liberal or permissive, but in retrospect I realize that mine were only doing what they knew how to under the circumstances. As much as I myself would love to become a father one day, I have begun to accept that I may never resolve my own life issues enough to rightly do so. I applaud anyone & everyone with the courage & determination to raise a family nowadays..


  • diamondblue1974

    Personally I think the spare the rod spoil the child philosophy is complete bollocks; as a parent if you need to exert physical violence on your children to get their attention or to get them to do what they should - you have failed.

    Consider how more advanced we are as humans now from when these verses were written; consider how far we have advanced even since the 1900s; in todays society there is no place for violence within the home - no matter how you dress it up.


  • daystar

    I understand from where you come Sailor. (Well, that just felt odd to hear what that would sound like spoken! )

    I do spank my son on occasion. It's rare that I have to though. He's five and he's a good kid, luckily.

    But there are those days where nothing seems to be getting through to him. It starts when I pick him up from his after-school care. He won't come. He wants to keep playing. He hides from me. I have to chase him. Which is fun sometimes and I don't always mind. But I'm a single dad. I have to go home, make dinner, get bath ready, take out trash, do laundry, clean house... then hopefully we have time to play together or something.

    But on those days, he just won't cooperate. I start with trying to reason with him, make him understand that we have to leave so we have time for stuff later. I get him into the car and he wants McDonald's. I say no because I already have dinner planned, or it's not a good McD's day, and the whining begins, and the kicking or pushing on the back of my seat.

    Maybe I let this sort of thing go on for too long on those days. He gets sent to his room, grounded, etc. And sometimes none of that works. He needs to understand that... I... mean... business and that his behavior is unacceptable.

    Unlike some people, I'm actually very, very uncomfortable with using my hand to spank. I don't want him associating the same hands that hold and love him with corporal punishment. And the most he gets are one or two licks. But it is enough.

    By comparison, my parents, really, my mom, almost seemed to relish wearing my ass out when spanking. This became very, very clear to me when as a very young teen I stopped yelping or crying when spanked. At first the spankings were more fierce. But as time went on, the spankings stopped altogether. I guess she thought that since I wasn't crying that they weren't working. This brings to light an uncomfortable connection between her satisfaction in spanking me and my reaction to it, almost sadistic in nature.

    Anyway, when it gets to the point of a spanking with my son, he knows that that is the final straw. And afterwards, he's like a changed person. He's not afraid of me or anything. He is actually more affectionate. He cuddles up with me and tells me he's sorry. I tell him I'm sorry too and we talk about it calmly.

    I hate, hate, hate spanking my son. I do. I've actually shed tears before, doing so. But it's not for me, it's for him. The real world is much harsher than I am. The law will not normally give a person chance after chance after chance and neither will employers. And he doesn't need to grow up with the expectation that they will.

    Am I the only one who has noticed that many kids, teens and even some in their twenties seem to have such feelings of entitlement? Perhaps this is not unique. Perhaps every generation feels somewhat this way about the generations that come after it. But... what about these kids and their parents who sue schools because their child failed and won't graduate with their class? WTF? You fail! If you fail, you don't graduate. It is as simple as that. These kids have no idea what it's like to fail because their parents never let them feel what failure is like. They bend the rules to where failure is no longer failure. Stupid. And it's a factor in the destruction of the fabric of our society. We are raising generations of wimps.

    I want my son to know that when he fails, I'm here for support, but still, he failed. We work harder next time so failure doesn't occur. He misbehaves, he doesn't get to keep misbehaving.

    I want my son to be strong enough that he takes failure as an acceptable risk and moves on. I also want him to understand that there are consequences to his actions and he won't always get off easy. Although, the way the western society is going, I don't know that someday this might not be so true.



    Sailor said:

    If you continue to do something I told you not to do you're gonna get a smack on the rump.

    I took a look at that and immediately my mind went to something that Cesar Millan does in his dog training. He taps, or gently jabs the animal in order to get their attention, and to get them out of the fixated mindset that is creating an unacceptable behavior. Could a swat on the rump be a similar type of corrective measure? Though an extreme one, and one that is used rarely.

    Personally, my ex and I never tolerated any sort of unruliness from our children. We never taught house manners and guest manners. We taught that certain behaviors in the home were unacceptable. We never taught table manners & restaurant manners. Certain types of behaviors were unacceptable, period.

    I can count on one hand the times I spanked my children. They generally got "the look" or the throat clearing. One of those were nearly always enough to get them back in line. Our general rule was, "Obey the first time, and you on't get into trouble." That seems to have worked. Both my children are well mannered and well adjusted.

  • Life Is Grand
    Life Is Grand

    Wow, great post Daystar-I totally agree with your views on this subject and couldn't have said it better myself...LIG

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