Jehovah as guilty as Phineas?

by anglise 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • anglise

    Does JHVH love satan?

    Was JHVH showing favouritism?

    Did JHVH realise he had made a mistake in allowing satan to live when he then commanded the Israelites to kill their own rebellious children.

    If an occasion arose where a son became absolutely rebellious and incorrigible after repeated warnings and the necessary discipline, a still sterner measure was taken. The son was brought before the older men of the city, and after testimony from the parents that he was an irreformable offender, the delinquent suffered capital punishment by stoning. Such arrangement evidently had reference to a son beyond the age of what is usually considered a young child, for this one the Scriptures describe as "a glutton and a drunkard." (De 21:18-21) One striking his father or mother, or calling down evil upon his parents, was put to death. The reason for such strong measures was that the nation might clear away what was bad from their midst and so that "all Israel [would] hear and indeed become afraid." Therefore, any tendency in the nation toward juvenile delinquency or disrespect of parental authority would be greatly retarded by the punishment inflicted upon such offenders.-Ex 21:15, 17; Mt 15:4; Mr 7:10.

    Or are there double standards at work here?

    Why would a loving creator demand that his own imperfect children carry out a deed that he himself didnt.

    Or is it all a myth.

    Any thoughts?

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