What Do You Wish More People Knew About JWs?

by whyizit 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyizit

    Imagine that you are speaking to the general public, who really doesn't know a lot about the WTS:

    1.) In your experience, as a member of the WTS, what did outsiders correctly assume about JWs? What was the most common misconception?

    2.) What question do you wish more people knew to ask, when a JW comes to their door?

    3.) Estimate the number of people that you spoke to while you were an active JW. How many from that number asked you a thought provoking question that led you to do some research? (What was the question?)

    Thanks for any and all input!

  • Gerard

    I wish people learn the real history of the WT and realize that their flip-flop doctrines are not 'spirit-guided new light' but legal maneuvers of a multinational corporation in need of volunteer/cheap labor force.

  • unique1

    I wish everyone knew about shunning. I think that would immediately turn people off.

  • moshe

    How an elderly JW feels after a lifetime of working for the WT Society. A totally wasted life of unfulfilled dreams and full of false promises from the GB.

  • Clam

    People knew us for preaching that the end of the world was near, not celebrating Xmas and birthdays, not taking blood transfusions. Those were the chief things.

    I wish people knew more about the consequences of the non biblical blood directive, and more about shunning and the heartache it brings. I'd also like people to know more about the paedophile problem and how the WTS's structure makes it easier for paedophiles to abuse children. Those are the main things, but I could go on forever.

  • mama1119

    That it is a cult.

  • I.Wonder

    1.) In your experience, as a member of the WTS, what did outsiders correctly assume about JWs? What was the most common misconception?

    They correctly assumed that JW's are a cult

    2.) What question do you wish more people knew to ask, when a JW comes to their door?

    You give many reasons as to why all religions outside of yours are false such as; failed prophecies, harboring pedophiles, and supporting government. How can it be that JW's are the true religion when they are guilty of the very things that supposedly make other religions false?

    3.) Estimate the number of people that you spoke to while you were an active JW. How many from that number asked you a thought provoking question that led you to do some research? (What was the question?)

    I was informally witnessing to women and we were discussing the trinity doctrine. After a while I became frustrated and told her that "the word trinity isn't even in the bible" she replied "neither is Kingdom Hall or Jehovah's Witness. That shut me up and I just listened to what she had to say. She got my wheels turning for sure.

  • becca1

    That if they become one and then want to get out, they can't w/o loosing everyone they love.

  • betterdaze

    1) They correctly assumed that JWs are not Christians. The most common misconception was that JWs refuse ALL medical care, not just blood.

    2) They should ask how Jehovah, the Happy God (tm) could kill infants at Armageddon. Since he can "see" into the future, he would know that they would have turned out wicked anyway.

    3) N/A.


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