How to help my 3 kids being raised jw? - A Pastor's opinion...

by esw1966 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • esw1966

    Here is the email that my pastor wrote in how best to help with my 3 daughters 13, 11, and 8.

    They are being raised by their jw mother in Green Bay, WI. I am here in Washington. I get them 40 days in the summer. It is my goal that giving them that distance and a safe place will help them to see which direction they want to go in.

    My 11 year old will be getting baptized in April at a one day. She wants me to come for it while she has already stated that at 18 if I am not a jw she will leave me so I see it as a day that will begin to further tear us apart.

    So I keep trying to figure out the BEST way to handle this. It kills me to lose my children. But it is a choice THEY must choose.

    Here is what my pastor wrote. I thought it was good. This suggestion may help others who are in a similar situation as I am in. Here it is:

    I have walked with some friends through a similar situation so I’ll just give you my opinion. You are free to do with it as you wish.

    Ethan’s primary job is to love his kids. Period. Anything he does to try and convince them that there Mother is a member of cult (at this age) will only backfire and drive them closer to her. Putting them in the middle of a faith contest will only confuse and devastate them over the long term. He needs to pray for them, love them, communicate with them, and most importantly model Jesus in every circumstance.

    The religion of the JW is full of checklists and “have-to’s”. The relationship with Jesus is full of intimacy and “get-to’s”. Only Ethan can model the difference for them.

    When they are here – love them, pray for them, lay hands on them and quietly pray for God to protect their eyes and ears, but ALWAYS honor their Mom. That is a biblical command even though we may be in deep disagreement with their religious persuasion.

    Rachelle – remember this. YOU cannot save anybody. Only God can. You need to put as much energy into prayer for the kids as you have put into worrying about them. Jesus loves them more than you or Ethan ever could.

    Do your part – pray. When you feel like giving up – pray harder. When it looks like hope is gone – pray more. That is only thing that will protect them from being fully indoctrinated.

    Secondly, learn everything you can about JW theology. This is not so you can argue with the kids. It’s so you can ask good questions about God and Jesus that will plant seeds in their minds. I have some stuff but if you just type in Jehovah’s Witness cult on the internet you will have more than enough to read.

    I’ll be praying for you. God must think an awful lot of you to place you in this position. He is with you.


    What is YOUR opinion on how to handle my situation and what did you think of Grant's?

    Thank you for your help! I will be calling on your suggestions and help throughout the next 10 years and more I imagine....


  • *jeremiah*

    I think your Pastor said it beautifully. Really, what else can you do? I think it's important to allow God to work and for us to relinquish control. Hand it up to Him. Faith can move mountains, so I would put faith in Him that He will act. Pray, pray, and pray. When I think of my family still in the JW's, I think of this prayer from Paul: 18I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, 20which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. 22And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way. Eph. 1:18-23 ...and ask others to pray for your kids. Put their names on some prayer lists.

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    Ethan’s primary job is to love his kids. Period. Anything he does to try and convince them that there Mother is a member of cult (at this age) will only backfire and drive them closer to her. Putting them in the middle of a faith contest will only confuse and devastate them over the long term. He needs to pray for them, love them, communicate with them, and most importantly model Jesus in every circumstance.

    I think this is very good advice. You never want to bad mouth your x in front of the children. When they get older they usually figure out who was right and who was wrong on their own.

    What is YOUR opinion on how to handle my situation and what did you think of Grant's?

    I think he did a good job. He seems like a man who thinks things through before he gives advice. I like Grant.

  • lovelylil

    your pastor gave you very good advice. When I wanted to leave the tower my hubby threatened to divorce me and take the kids away. I have a history of depression so I was really worried. I prayed a lot during that time. Probably more than I ever had. Prayer gave me a calming about the situation and I felt like I was doing something that would help. Anyway, I decided to treat him as nice as I could and to not confront him about my new found beliefs. I told him I would support his teaching the kids about Jehovah and taking them to meetings as long as he let me teach them about Jesus and he skipped field service with them unless they wanted to go. I guess you can say I offered a compromise instead of an ultimatum.

    After a short time when my hubby saw I was not attacking him and the home was peaceful and the kids he began to think about things I had brought up in the past. Issues I had with the tower. Within three months he decided to "take a break" from the meetings and left shortly afterward for good.

    Hang in there and pray is good advice. But also do your part. Remember the scripture says "as far as it depends on YOU, be peaceable with all men (women too)". So try to keep the peace and let your spouse know that they should not be overly worried about you dying at armegeddon. Just say "I still love Jehovah and he knows it and I have left my fate in his hands to decide and am not worried about the outcome". Peace be with you, Lilly

  • becca1

    Your pastor is a wise and loving man. I would follow his advice.

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