Weird experience

by Dawn 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    This weekend I was having a discussion with my husband about "listening to that inner voice" - you know, the one that says you should take that risk because you could be a real success, but you talk yourself out of it. Or it tells you not to trust that office mate, but you convince yourself you're being silly, only to get back-stabbed later on. That "inner voice" that somehow can notice those subtle, unconscious messages that we miss in our conscious state.

    I told my husband that I was going to work on listening to that voice - and stop talking myself out of things when I just know it is something I should do - mostly with career decisions and relationships in mind.

    After this discussion I head to the grocery store to get some goodies for the football game. As I'm checking out I start to run my debit card through the pin-pad machine and notice that someone has left a fortune cookie fortune next to the pin-pad machine - it reads "You will be a winner."

    For some reason I immediately feel like I need to go buy a lottery ticket. Now - I NEVER buy lottery tickets. I'm pretty fiscally minded and see them as a complete waste of money (except to buy scratch tickets as stocking stuffers for some fun on x-mas morning). I know that I have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than I ever would of winning the lottery.

    But it is a weird feeling - I just know I should buy one - only - not at the grocery store. For some reason I felt compelled to drive across the stree to the quick mart and get one there. I'm about to dismiss it as a stupid idea and move on when I remembered my conversation with my husband and decided - what the heck. It's a $1.00 - let's see what happens. Only - I feel compelled to buy $5.00 instead - who the heck knows why. $5.00 friggin dollars could buy me lunch - but I feel the need to go across the street and play Lotto.

    I go across the street,spend $5.00 and guess what - I am an instant $25.00 winner. Apparently the day before Washington State started a promotion - if you buy a $5.00 ticket you have a chance to win a cash prize voucher valued between $25 and $500 On the Spot.

    How weird is that?! I feel like someone is confirming my conversation with my husband - that we need to listen to that inner voice because it knows more than we give it credit.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Yep. Sometimes ya just gotta fly by the seat of your pants. That usually works for me, too.


  • bikerchic

    Yay Dawn! I always listen to that inner voice myself! I would like to know how to program it so....awe never mind.

    I recently won $28 on a Megabucks $1.00 ticket, you would have thought I won the big one with my reaction! I'm so gunna faint when I win the big one!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    cooool experience. have you ever looked into "Affirmations"....very effective

  • SusanHere

    What's Affirmations?


  • delilah

    I always listen to my inner's usually always right!! Good for you, Dawn...about 2 months ago, I'd bought a ticket, and forgot about it. I took it in, about a month later to check it, along with 3 others. The first two were not winners. The 3rd one was a $98.50 winner,plus a free ticket, the 4th one was a free ticket. That's the most I've ever I did my little happy dance in the store, and the clerk laughed her ass off....

  • daystar

    Good job! Jesus listened to his inner voice and look where it got him!

    Well, crucified, but still, a whole new religion started...

  • smellsgood

    Cool experience Dawn!

    25$ is nothing to turn you nose up to IMO, but I was sure that after the prognostications of the fortune cookie you would be telling us you were a millionaire! Still, 25$ is enough to buy roughly 4 dozen Krispy Kremes, so congratulations you big winner!

    I always get the most vague depressing messages from my fortune cookies, like "The path leads to where it takes you," "You will decide on one thing not the other" or something. Really giving me nothing to look forward too, certainly don't feel "fortunate" after reading them. I like the taste though, like waffle cones. Mom is a lotto winner, not 25$ and not millions, though.

  • serendipity

    hi dawn,

    In February, thanks to a reorg at work, I got a new manager. My intuition screamed: Don't trust this woman. Turns out the intuition was correct. She screwed me over badly in a recent reorganization. The only good thing is she's no longer my manager.

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