Question about sin!

by Carmel 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Carmel

    I admit I haven't kept up with "christianspeak" or JW changing doctrins, so bare with me. In another thread (probably several) one or more "christians" use the phrase "Jesus paid for your sins" or "Jesus covers up for the sinner".

    What the heck does that mean?

    If I commit an act that is defined as a sin, I experiance certain consequences. There doesn't seem to be any intervention by some magical ransom maker that changes that cause-and-effect relationship, so what's the scoop?


  • theinfamousone

    aparently since jesus died, all our sins will one day be forgiven!!! thats what it means... it means that our all forgiving "father" needs retribution for our sins beforehand... god forgives all, but doesnt forget... all it took was a non sinner to die.. thats us being forgiven!!

    --the infamous one(of the hope you can feel the sarcasm tribe)

  • BabaYaga


    ...the price for our sins was paid, but they can shun us anyway?

  • theinfamousone

    forgiveness no longer includes forgetting my friend... now it includes rubbing our faces in it for the rest of our lives... guilt is a B***** yes, i did censor myself (good boy infamous one good boy)

    --the infamous one

  • Navigator

    Sin, by definition, is that which separates us from God. Since nothing can separate us from God, there cannot be any such thing as Sin. That may be why Jesus found it so easy to tell people that their "sins" were forgiven. What there is are errors and we suffer greatly from the consequences of the errors we make. It may be that the memory of those "errors" will cause additional pain at sometime in the future. The scriptures tell us that God is too pure to look upon inequity. That means he can only view us in the perfection that we were created. I don't think God holds us responsible for the things we do when we are unconscious (spiritually that is).

  • BabaYaga

    Actually, I heard that the literal meaning of sin from the Greek is to "fall short of the mark", in other words, to miss the target. In that way, we sin all the time. That is all that it means. Surely a loving creator would not punish his beloved creations for all eternity if they missed a bulls-eye on occasion?

    I do not believe in "sin" as the commonly held definition of it holds. I think that sentences containing the word sound stilted and bizarre... archaic, perhaps.

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