"false religion"

by A Paduan 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Re: this tract business

    Is it just me, or do other people hear this phrase as another 'jwism' (ie. a stupid and confusive use of English language)

    Like 'unconditional love'

    If people form a religion, or observe religious practice, or turn up on Sunday, or even once a decade, etc., it's religious - while the beliefs of a religion may silly or unfounded, if some level practice is observed, if only in thought, then it's a religion.

    A 'false religion' sounds like 'non-existent existence'


    The 'truth' - like steel knives on a piece of porcelain

  • JWdaughter

    James 1:27 (IF you are a bible believer) states that "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." RSV. Would you call religion that is pure and undefiled true? Guess it depends on how one looks at it. I guess though, what you said makes sense in a secular world as a strict religion would not recognize others as having any validity-therefore if it is invalid, it is not 'true'. An invalid marriage-which is in fact not true, is not really a marriage at all.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    False guess?

    What defeats a false "religion" or "guess"?

  • lawrence

    Words become turds and they in turn choke birds. All religion is false. Spirituality can be considered the practice of truth. The Witlesses have no spirituality, only rules and accolades for keeping man made rules. What a pitiful bunch of shmucks and butt kissers!

  • BizzyBee

    Peeled down to its essence, 'false religion,' according to WTS is any religion that is not JW.

    Again, terms have to be defined.

    End: ?

    False: ?

    Religion: ?

    Near: ?

    I'll spot them "The" "of" and "is."

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