Did we really miss the birthday of the Smurfs?!?

by AlmostAtheist 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    Hey Guys,

    Perhaps you all rejoiced without me and I just missed it, but I did look about and couldn't find a thread on it. Forgive me if I'm just wasting everyone's time.

    Apparently yesterday was the birthday of the Smurfs! Those little blue demonic communists have been standing up and marching out of Kingdom Halls for 50 years. One wonders how many of the little devils have inspired nightmares in JW children. And adults!

    Of course, we can probably only count their presence since the 80's, when Hanna-Barbera brought them to television. But you can be sure they were quietly smurfing their smurfy plans to smurf over the Watchtower up until then.

    So to the Smurfs, I say Happy Birthday, you blessed blue babes of Beelzebub!

    (For more information and smurfy links, see: http://dir.yahoo.com/thespark/3428/the-politics-of-smurfing)

    Have a smurfy day!


  • AgentSmith

    lol, the smurfs had a birthday! Did not know that. I remember when we were told that these little blue fiends are evil incarnate! My sister and I thought it was rediculous. My sister even had a few of these things. ( maybe she still has.......)

    We hid them away from my father, who, as an elder was compelled to destroy my Queen albums just a few months prior to this smurfy revelation. Good thing he did not find my Pink Floyd and AC/DC tapes, just kidding. NO WAYS did I get AC/DC into the house! The smurfs would have blown the whistle on me!

  • AlmostAtheist
    NO WAYS did I get AC/DC into the house! The smurfs would have blown the whistle on me!

    This reminds me of when I was 18 and was picking up a guy to go to the mall. I noticed two cassette tapes on his dresser -- Psalms and AC/DC! I loved that these two tapes were snuggled up so cozy together!


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