HELP INFORM MEDIA OF BREAKING NEWS (possible shredding of pedophile files)

by southw 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • southw

    Friends, I do not know how to get a copy of this to CNN and there are numerous papers around the world; so, if the following seems good to you yourselves, then please email or mail copies of it in to your local newspapers around the world:

    HOT NEWS TIP. I wish to direct your attention to messages posted on and discussing NEWSBREAKING criminal obstruction activities (shredding of court ordered documents) or the grave potential for such by religious leaders among the interstate (hence Federal matter) Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses) organization. Some of those posted there will surely directly inform the U.S. FBI at and any other relevant judicial and police agencies, and it would appear that there may be some photo opt possibilies if not now then presently where you may get to film the FBI or police going to kingdom hall buildings (in particular in but not necessarily limited to those in California but also in other states where criminal pedophile activities have been reported to etc) for securing those records or files that are maintained locally there while they still can.

    Further, since the organization is international, Interpol and other nation-based legal agencies may be getting involved now or presently with this breaking development. which opposes pedophile activities among Jehovah's Witness elders/clergy has been interviewed and presented by NBC, CBS, BBC and other media around the world and has the website which includes a link to the also informative item telling of the California court's judgement that it must be given access to 23,000 files kept by the Watchtower mother organization (copies of relevant correspondence and evidence also being stored in local locations).

  • DannyHaszard
    Friends, if the following seems good to you then please email or mail copies of the following in to your local newspapers around the world:

    HOT NEWS TIP. I wish to direct your attention to messages posted on and discussing NEWSBREAKING criminal obstruction activities or the grave potential for such by religious leaders among the interstate (hence Federal matter) Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses) organization. Some of those concerned will surely directly inform the U.S. FBI at and any other relevant judicial and police agencies, and it would appear that there may be some photo opt possibilies if not now then presently where you may get to film the FBI or police going to kingdom hall buildings (in particular in but not necessarily limited to those in California but also in other states where criminal pedophile activities have been reported to etc) for securing those records that are maintained locally there while they still can.

    Further, since the organization is international, Interpol and other nation-based legal agencies may be getting involved now or presently with this breaking development. which opposes pedophile activities among Jehovah's Witness elders/clergy has been interviewed and presented by NBC, CBS, BBC and other media around the world and has the website which includes a link to the also informative item telling of the California court's judgement that it must be given access to 23,000 files kept by the Watchtower mother organization (copies of relevant correspondence and evidence also being stored in local locations).


    Danny Haszard just posted above in prominent threads

  • southw

    Thanks for putting it in other threads where media can see it, Danny. I guess you mean to CNN and the like. Now hopefully other readers here will hopefully also help us get word out to their local media too. The elders are liable to destroy a lot of the stuff fast today and tonight unless they are stopped by the authorities, that's the concern. I also appreciate your highlighting things as well as you do, Danny.

    Readers, please don't assume he's done it all, that is all that can or needs to be done. Your earnest help is needed as you can see not only here but by clicking these other hyperlinks. This could be a major miscarriage of justice if these guys are allowed to destroy evidence that can convict the pedophiles and themselves. Doers of heinous crimes do not deserve the freedom to rape. Please email and write and phone the appropriate media now.

  • jgnat

    There's a few things that need to be fixed in your newsflash. Reporters are obligated to verify rumor. We have no idea if anything is being shredded at WT Headquarters. Stick to the known facts and your broadcast will have more credibility.

  • southw

    It says clearly that the concern is directed toward elders acting in local kingdom halls; not the world headquarters.

    Years ago as posted by others (I believe possibly Danny Hazard as well) they got a written directive telling them what to do if police ever sought warrants etc. Others are also posting about a tip that some elders in Napa, California where the court ruling was given have already set to shredding documents locally.

    I would point out however that even if they shredded everything there will still be people willing to come out with strong, telling oral testimonies; but the written evidence is vital to rooting out the embedded pedophiles.

    Readers, please act. I myself am sending a tip in to CNN now that I have the link and it includes my phone number,'s etc. Let the authorities look into the person's tip, please.

  • geevee

    Out of interest, does anyone know if there have been new directive regarding the note taking at these JC hearings? Used to be that anyone on the JC could take notes, but the secretary of the JC would collect them at the end and seal them in an envelope with the name of the person involved and the names of the JC and the date. Has this changed?

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