America Has No Truer Friend...

by SixofNine 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    ....Than Great Britain.

    So sayeth GW Bush a minute ago. Was that squishy sound the collective moistening of 6 million JW's when they heard that?

    JW prophecy being fulfilled to an R! (not quite fullfilled to a T, but close)

    I'm sure this speech will give them gallons of fodder for between door speculation as to how excitingly it all fits right in to Bible prophecy. No matter what he says.

  • Trilobite

    6 of 9 and half a dozen of 3/4 12,

    Right. The Dubs decide that, because the US and GB are close allies that they are, well, allies. So when it turns out that they agree yet again that they are allies it proves that the Dubs were right all along. They are allies. Circular reasoning ain't even in it.


  • Pathofthorns

    Somehow it looks like this whole unfortunate affair has bought them more time. What a tragedy for those of us waiting and hoping.


  • SixofNine

    But wait, shoot-damn it all! He also said that no one should be oppressed because of their race or religion. {{{SIGH}}}, I guess we will have to wait a bit longer for Armaggedon.

    Ahma geddon impatiant!

  • Teirce

    That's the most inscrutable travesty of this affair, and I can't exactly convey it just so to my friends who never dealt with Witnesses. They don't grasp what an orgazmorator this is for JWs.

  • SixofNine

    Orgazmorator! That is the word I was looking for! yeah, that's the ticket. I should have been more specific. ...Was that squishy sound the collective moistening of 3 million JW's? Was that schwinging sound the collective excitement-coupled-with-firm-resolve of 3 million more JW's?

  • RedhorseWoman

    Okay, they've churned out at least 400 million old magazines for "comfort". Which one is next on the presses? Man, they're saving a lot of money by reprinting all of this wondrous spiritual food once again. Regurgitated spiritual food is better the second time around.

  • DannyBear

    Thank God he didn't utter the words 'Peace and Security'...Paramedics would have been busy world wide, reviving fainted dubs, unable to contain the emotions of it all!


  • Teirce

    This is where I will not post, "Imagine the clean-up work."

  • Winston

    My my my, want another round of new starting dates for THE BIG A.

    I think the Society may be ready to come out with some more dates, the way things are going.

    They must be so tickled by GWB statement.

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