I am replying to his letter.. heres some of it

by Matt_fs 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Matt_fs

    Hey folks, i'm sure you have all seen the letters that are going back and forth between my friend about the Watchtower, and I wanted to give you a sneak peak of what I have written so far. If any of you would like to comment on it, and maybe give me some good info to put in, please let me know! So here it is

    Dear ******

    I just want to begin by telling you that I never said my friendship should be more important than yours with God, all I was saying is that your going to avoid me and not befriend me because of some honest questions I have? And im going to stick with my line about questions because thats all they are, they are honest questions, even though some may not be mine, but in that case, why are you not willing to answer them for me?

    As for you telling me im trying to teach, can I ask you what I was trying to teach? I asked you about a scripture that you said you have NEVER seen of or heard of and you came across like i was making it up, so I just simply said if its written in the bible are you going to believe me if I show it to you? I dont see that as me trying to teach you something, I see it more of a question like why does the Watchtower say that, when the bible says this? If you believe the bible is the true authority ******, then we should listen to that instead should we not?

    Now you also said in your last letter that you agree that we should test if we are in the right faith. May I ask if you have done this? And if you have, what methods have you used so I can use the same? But I did do what you suggested when we did sit down that sunday morning, you said "research the HISTORY of the religion". History can be defined as the branch of knowledge dealing with past events. Now since the Watchtower has a history of the year 1975 (plus many others), and I researched it just like you said to, and it doesnt really make sense to me, and I question you about it, is that really unhealthful reasoning? and is that me trying to add doubt in your mind? By the way, it was the Watchtower that I studied to get all of my info.

    Its funny that you give me advice to pray to God and to read the bible when thats exactly what I have been doing



  • Ade

    Youve written a very reasonable letter there my friend.Not provoking, just asking him/her to point you in the right direction truthfully from scripture ( which he wont be able to do ) . Also pointing out the history of the WTBTS and FDS he/she may have to check it to see if you are telling the truth, which in turn may lead him to see the changes in doctrine and the false prophecies.

    God bless you
    all the best
    Ade and family

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    I know that you want to get your point across, but don't underrstemate the power that the WTS has on the JW's. I have found that you just can't reason with them. Most of my friends and family are so scared of listening to anything that proves them wrong that they just switch off when you start talking. They are scared of losing their friends and family and also as being labled an apostate. Have your say but don't be too disappointed if they don't see the "light"

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Many here decry the fact that the freindships among witnoids are conditional. They say they are based on whether you believe what they believe. In other words, they will not be your freind if you deviate from the faith. That's sad in fact. The question is, do we drop them as friends when they disagree with what we believe and haven't done so to us? Do we push on them the things we have found even when we see it isn't going well, simply to make a point? Can we be their friends without convincing them of the reality of the borg? I've tried to do that with the two or three that I still have contact with. If they want to believe this crap, I'm not going to shun them. I just lay low and keep in touch. What is happening here Matt? Is this guy pushing it on you?

    Good luck. If its a real friendship it will endure.


  • Jringe01

    Sorry. This won't do any good. He'll view your letter as an attack on his belief just like he did the first one.

    You are talking to much, especially in the second paragraph and you're still not being honest with him. This will now be nothing more than a debate over words etc and it will do neither of you any good and will just waste time.

    It's blindingly obvious that you are trying to get him to see "the truth" abourt his religion and it sounds like you are trying to start a debate. Your words are designed to provoke confrontation. I have experience with letters like that. Trust me when I say it won't work.

    Admit you got the questions off the internet, apologize for having raised the issue and for any strain it may have placed on your relationship and leave your letter at that. No more. If this issue is to ever be discussed again let him raise it.

    Your approach was flawed right from the start however to be fair it is very difficult to raise subjects like this with Witnesses in a way that will actually make them think.

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