Let's all pat ourselves on the back

by PopeOfEruke 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • PopeOfEruke

    In the spirit of the retiring Government Cattle Inspector who said when receiving a meritorious service award "This is not the the first time I've had a pat on the back", I think all of us here deserve to give ourselves a BIG PAT ON THE BACK!!!

    We have survived being trapped in a high-control organisation, we've been brainwashed, sat through meetings, been hypnotized (almost), and we managed to ESCAPE relatively intact. Most of us have almost full use of all our mental facilites. A lot of us are not that bitter, and still have time to show compassion to our fellow travellers on this board and in many other ways.

    So here it goes: JWD posters and lurkers, Take the time to PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK right now!


  • BabaYaga

    I whole-heartedly concur, Dear Pope... we freakin' ROCK... do we not?

    Here, here!!!!

  • PopeOfEruke

    Yes Baba! We ROCK!!!


  • FlyingHighNow

    Yes, who has time for bitterness? We gave too many years to that evil borg as it is. Besides, bitterness can cause hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure and loss of friends, spouses, family, etc.

    Have a pat, Pope.

  • becca1

    Thanks Pope and you have one too!

  • read good books
    read good books

    I think I'll give my dog a pat on the back for having an ex-jw owner, what do ex jw's and poodles have in common- their both smarter than the average human.

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