Kingdom Ministry-6-05
? Literature offer for June:LearnFromtheGreatTeacher. If individuals say they have no children, offer the FamilyHappiness book or the Knowledge book and make an effort to start Bible studies. JulyandAugust:WorshiptheOnlyTrueGod. If a Bible study is started, it is recommended that the Knowledge book and the Require brochure be studied before the WorshipGod book. September:KnowledgeThatLeadstoEverlastingLife. Before requesting additional supplies from the branch office, congregations should use what is available locally and check if nearby congregations have a surplus on hand.
? A copy of the book OrganizedtoDoJehovah’sWill should be included in the Kingdom Hall library. Further information on Kingdom Hall libraries can be found in the February 2003 OurKingdomMinistry, page 5, and the April 1997 OurKingdomMinistry Question Box.
? The secretary should see that the Regional Building Committee is kept up-to-date on the status of all baptized publishers who have submitted KingdomHallVolunteerWorkerQuestionnaire (S-82) forms. When there are adjustments in a volunteer’s status, such as when one moves or is appointed as a ministerial servant or an elder, a new form should be filled out promptly and submitted. If a volunteer’s mailing address or telephone number changes or if he is no longer in good standing in the congregation, the elders should immediately inform the Regional Building Committee by letter. The completed S-82 forms in the congregation file should be made available for the circuit overseer’s review when he visits the congregation.
Cheers! Atlantis-