While it is true that Witnesses aggressively seek converts to a greater degree than other religions, in regard
to retaining their own children, they are as bad - or worse -- than the "world". Other religions worry about
losing 25 or 50 % while countless Witness congregations suffer far worse.
Of course, if Bethel spots this exposure, you can bet their response will involve some photograph of smiling
robotic young Witnesses, together with personal stories of "how wonderful the truth is".
Yet, the one thing YOU WON'T see is any honest statement by Service Dept. number crunchers
about how great the percentage of loss is in the US and the World.
I well believe that the mass exposure of this mysterious two digit figure could cause them no end of grief
(although , of course, never enough to actually change their extremist policies). If you wish to annoy various Witnesses,
try asking them for an estimate of how great this percentage of loss is, together with myriad accounts they can't
avoid of local congregations that are decimated.