Watchtower humility and The Gitanjali of Tagore

by veradico 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • veradico

    I was thinking about how Watchtower publications talk so much about humility, but really they are designed to humiliate. We are instructed to distrust our hearts, think of ourselves as sinners, and look to the Society for direction and salvation. The publications spend so much time condemning independent thinking, higher education, higher criticism, the pleasures of life, the diversity of human expression, and the general messiness and complexity of life that the poor people like many in my family who are still trapped are consumed by a fear of getting their white robes (washed in the blood of the Lamb) messy in the dirt of the world. They want to be saved from the very world that could be their Paradise. Anyway, I wish they could read Tagore's Gitanjali. I'll paste part of it below. If anyone wants to read more, just visit

    My song has put off her adornments. She has no pride of dress and decoration. Ornaments would mar our union; they would come between thee and me; their jingling would drown thy whispers.

    My poet's vanity dies in shame before thy sight. O master poet, I have sat down at thy feet. Only let me make my life simple and straight, like a flute of reed for thee to fill with music.

    The child who is decked with prince's robes and who has jewelled chains round his neck loses all pleasure in his play; his dress hampers him at every step.

    In fear that it may be frayed, or stained with dust he keeps himself from the world, and is afraid even to move.

    Mother, it is no gain, thy bondage of finery, if it keeps one shut off from the healthful dust of the earth, if it rob one of the right of entrance to the great fair of common human life.

    O Fool, try to carry thyself upon thy own shoulders! O beggar, to come beg at thy own door!

    Leave all thy burdens on his hands who can bear all, and never look behind in regret.

    Thy desire at once puts out the light from the lamp it touches with its breath. It is unholy -- take not thy gifts through its unclean hands. Accept only what is offered by sacred love.

    Here is thy footstool and there rest thy feet where live the poorest, and lowliest, and lost.

    When I try to bow to thee, my obeisance cannot reach down to the depth where thy feet rest among the poorest, and lowliest, and lost.

    Pride can never approach to where thou walkest in the clothes of the humble among the poorest, and lowliest, and lost.

    My heart can never find its way to where thou keepest company with the companionless among the poorest, the lowliest, and the lost.

    Leave this chanting and singing and telling of beads! Whom dost thou worship in this lonely dark corner of a temple with doors all shut? Open thine eyes and see thy God is not before thee!

    He is there where the tiller is tilling the hard ground and where the pathmaker is breaking stones. He is with them in sun and in shower, and his garment is covered with dust. Put of thy holy mantle and even like him come down on the dusty soil!

    Deliverance? Where is this deliverance to be found? Our master himself has joyfully taken upon him the bonds of creation; he is bound with us all for ever.

    Come out of thy meditations and leave aside thy flowers and incense! What harm is there if thy clothes become tattered and stained? Meet him and stand by him in toil and in sweat of thy brow.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Thanks,very nice and true. I no longer see God in handmade temples either. He is in his creation and busy taking care of it.

  • greendawn

    The point is that the leaders themselves do not follow their advice since they are arrogant people lusting for power and refusing to accept advice and correction from anyone outside their tiny inner circle. One wonders why none of those "anointed" have any power in the org and why anyone wishing to advise the GB to suggest a novel idea promptly gets thrown out.

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