trying to figure it all out....

by airwlk149 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • airwlk149

    hi everyone. not much happening here. actually that's the understatement of the year! everything has been happening. right now we have some very active jw's staying with us. they are bugging me about when am i going out in service? i woke up this morning and heard my mom and my friend's mom talking about me. they thought i was asleep so i overheard alot. "katie doesn't seem like she's REALLY back. you can tell in her eyes. her heart just isn't into it. i think it's her association- she really needs to stop hanging around those two girls(one of them is my "issue") it's bad for her! they are gonna pull her into the world, 'bad association spoils useful habit'...etc." BULLSHIT! i am so sick of jw's trying to tell me what to do. i am not getting enough time so i am going to end up baad association for everyone else in our congregation. i didn't even want to be reinstated what makes them think that i am going out in service? my friends mom was asking me if i was going to pioneer. i wanted to laugh and say HELL FRICKING NO WAY! IS SHE CRAZY? ok other than that jw drama at my house, i have been spending a lot of time with my "issue". not that i hadn't been before. it's just lately there is more intimacy. it's a nice feeling. :) so yeah. on my last post, just wanting to talk to somebody...- i think i offended some people. i didn't mean to. i do have a father. a really good father. & i agree that children should have a father.i just was asking myself really if i'll still get to have kids. if i still want them. i love my "issue" so much, so i don't know? just thinking outloud. don't mind me! :) i am 17- well 18 in 24 days, so i am young. still undecided on so many things. i am leaving good ol Sac., Ca in 24 days. i don't know where i am going yet. maybe i'll just leave my HOUSE and not my neighborhood. my "issue" DOES live around the corner from me. and i don't want to leave her, i love her too much. but i have to prove to my mom that i can leave if I WANT TO! she can't hold me back. whatever- i have 24 days to figure it out. :) well, that's it for now. no one has emailed me. but i am kinda new at this. so if you say that i can email you- why don't you leave your email address? in case you all don't know mine it is- [email protected]. just address it to katie, so my "issue" knows it's for me! and leave your email addresses so i can write you all! Love you all bunches!

    thanks for reading! :)

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