Dubs that defied the blood ban?

by greendawn 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Do you know of any JWs that have left the WTS or were DFed because of the blood issue defying the blood ban and taking blood for themselves or their children so that they wouldn't die, needlessly of course? We hear much about dubs that were brainwashed enough to go on to the bitter end but there must be many that pulled out of the insanity. Even so some may feel plagued by guilt and anxiety for defying the ban. I knew several that would have blood especially for their children should the need arise.

  • Amazing

    Hi Green,

    I vaguely recall that "it was reported that some who broke their integrity" always ended up badly, such as dying anyway, or getting a terrible disease like Aids or Hepatitis, etc. Of course the Society nevr mentioned any that were successful. And, the Society was careful never to state that such "integrity breakers" received congregational action ... I suspect that was done, of course to protect themselves legally.

    Jim Whitney

  • Honesty

    I know a brother whose JW mom was DF'd in the 1980's for accepting a blood transfusion. I didn't realise it until now that he has had abslutely no contact with his own mother for almost 20 years... such love and respect I've seen only among Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • greendawn

    Hi Amazing the JWs are very good at propaganda they also point out taht an x number of people got infected or died of a transfusion but never say that hundreds times more are alive and healthy because of it. It's also interesting how they don't DF for transfusion but instead play their little legal games and consider them DAed which is the same thing really. Let the Bulgarian government beware of this, the dubs probably tricked them.

  • Forscher

    I don't know any who fall into that category.

    I recall somebody mentioning somewhere on this forum that many dubs do acceot blood transfusions if they are done in a way which keeps it secret. I think they pointed out that a doctor had confirmed that for them. So I asked a family member who is a practicing RN. The family member told me that they'd indeed given blood transfusions to Witnesses who'd agreed to it when they found out that the staff was very willing to do it in a way that no other witness would find out. My source told me that such acceptance of blood transfusions were more commen than most dubs realise. Which makes me wonder if the push on the part of the GB to get dubs to agree to the HLCs having full access to their records may be do to suspicions that the practice is indeed widespread.


  • TD

    This isn't exactly what you're looking for, but I know a JW family that had a child with an immunological deficiency in the 60's at a time when the JW organization had reversed itself on the allowance of fractions. This required weekly injections of gamma globulin, but JW publications at the time were saying things like, "Regardless of whether it is administered as a transfusion or as an injection, regardless of whether it is whole blood or a fraction of blood, it is still forbidden."

    This family wrote the Society asking for clarification and got back a reply that talked about everything but what they had asked and concluded by saying, "We feel we have given you sufficient scriptural information to make a decision."

    The treatments continued, the child outgrew the problem and there were no repercussions from their congregation.

  • Bodhisattva1320
    Which makes me wonder if the push on the part of the GB to get dubs to agree to the HLCs having full access to their records may be do to suspicions that the practice is indeed widespread.

    WHAT??? ive never heard this - but do not doubt it one bit... is there more info about this push to disclose personal records to the HLC? i am so curious now.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Greendawn,

    I saw the video by Leonard and Marjorie Chretien about Jehovah's Witnesses wherein Paul Blizzard and his wife were interviewed. Their baby girl was seriously ill and would die without a transfusion. In spite of their emotional turmoil and egging on of JW's present at hospital, they decided in favor of the transfusion. I could not believe what Paul said: a "brother" angrily wished his little girl would contract hepatitus. She survived. He has a website, where it's possible he may have more info on this subject.

    Yours truly,

    Compound Complex

  • bubble

    I just googled Paul Blizard and read his and his wife Pat's story. What they were subjected to by the WBTS is unforgivable. What happened to their daughter was awful, and they allowed her to have a transfusion to prolong her life as a baby but she died later aged just 6.

    NONE of their jw friends or family attended the funeral! That is pure evil. And they think they have 'love among themselves'. WHATEVER!

  • proplog2

    I know a woman who had a child with an unbelieving husband. If she were to die her son would have been raised by worldly people. She needed a heart valve and at that time it required blood. She had the surgery. She was disfellowshipped. She was reinstated. She raised her son to be a JW.

    She needed another valve late in life. She had the operation without blood and died.

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