How the Saved View the Fallen
Recalling an incident that happened some
years ago led me to this topic of discussion. It has probably happened to others and that
is why I have chosen to write about it.
When I was studying with a "Shepard of the Flock"
This was one of those "signals" which those of us who were one
of Jehovah's Witnesses encountered, but for one reason or another
tended to suppress, avoid, make excuses for, or remained in denial
because of it.
When I was first studying with Jehovah's Witnesses I went out in
field service with this "elder", who on passing this brothers house
made critical remarks about him.
No longer attending meetings
You see this brother was no longer attending meetings. Now he
was not an "apostate" nor "disfellowshiped" or "disassociated" he
simply was a fader in the organization.
When we went passed this brother's home, all the "elder" could do
was bad mouth the brother and criticize him because he was not
attending meetings.
My thoughts were "Why don't you try and befriend the brother
instead of berate him"? You never know he just might come around.
What attitudes have you encountered with the saved ones?
- When you were one of Jehovah's Witnesses what attitude did individuals
have regarding a "lost sheep"? Were they sympathetic?
Were you sympathetic? - Did individuals tend to criticize the individual or
did they feel sorry for the person that was now gone?
Please provide your input by posting your comments so that all can learn.
The Wanderer