America's enemies- Voices of reason?

by Pathofthorns 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns
    MOSCOW (AP) -- The prospect of a U.S. attack on Afghanistan brings an ominous message from veterans of the Soviet Union's decade-long war with Afghan guerrillas: You'll never win.


    ``The U.S. has made the charge before verification, even before possessing the minimum evidence about such a charge,'' Saddam said, saying the U.S. accusation was really leveled ``against all Muslim peoples.''

    Now, he charged, the United States is using ``sheer terrorism and blackmail'' against several countries to win their support, by threatening to add them to the United States' list of nations that sponsor terrorism. Iraq is one of the seven countries on that list.

    The United States should look to itself when it comes to identifying states that harbor terrorists, Saddam said.


    HAVANA (AP) -- Cuba, confirming diplomatic contacts between U.S. and Cuban officials over last week's terrorist attacks, called Wednesday for a prudent response aimed at justice rather than revenge.


    Interesting commentary here: [url][/url]

    Hoffman probed why Muslims are seemingly always singled out as terrorists.

    "There are terrorist groups around the world. In Ireland, in Israel -- even in America ... You cannot just go around bombing countries because there are terrorists there."

    Now, there you go. Ordinary Islamic people, who are not only not involved in any kind of terrorist activity themselves, and who are themselves condemning the terrorists, are saying:

    Would the United States launch a cruise missile against Dublin? London? Tel Aviv?

  • puppylove

    Path, you are obviously very anti-war and don't want an unreasoned attack against those who probably didn't have anything to do with this terrible outrage. Neither do most Americans. Most intelligent persons in the US do not think that bombing the heck out of Afghanistan is the answer (there is nothing there to bomb anyway).

    However, we are going through a predictable cycle of grief here. People that we know and love have died (or may be sent into military conflict).

    We are hurt. We are angry. We don't believe this could have happened. Our first reaction (as is most peoples) is to reach out and destroy those who have done this. But there is no one there to destroy.

    The US is in a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. The US is accused of being rich and not helping the poorer countries. However, if we try to help democracy (thereby increasing the likelihood of a nation raising itself out of poverty) we are acused of interfering. Yes, I know, we have screwed up in the past. Yes, I know that most of the time, we only want to help those countries where we may have interests. Perhaps we should turn our face away from suffering in these countries and for those who ask for help, just so we don't screw up again. What do you think? Stop our aid, stop forgiving debts, stop the peacekeepers, stop our doctors going into impoverished countries to perform surgeries, stop it all. Mind our own business.

    I am 100% positive that if this had happened in Canada (or England, or Austrailia, or China, etc) that the world would be in the same state of uproar that it is today.

    This is not just an attack on the US. Over 50 countries have people in the WTC who are dead. Do you really think the terrorists didn't know how many nations where represented there?

    PS. Why on earth would you listen to anything that Saddam has to say?

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