The good, the bad and the ugly of religious belief systems

by lovelylil 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    There have been several posts talking about the good religious beliefs systems do and the bad. I thought we could list some here as well as what you all find to be the downright ugly side of religious systems. I'll go first.

    The good is that religious belief systems tend to give others with like beliefs a sense of belonging and community.

    The bad is that this type of system will often try to exalt itself over all other beliefs systems by teaching that it alone has a corner on God, truth and the bible.

    The downright ugly - is the constant judging and condeming of others who believe differently than we do.

  • serendipity

    the good: Many religions also participate in community or charitable activities

    the bad: the political involvement

    the ugly: judgmentalism

  • greendawn

    The good is that it reminds man of the superior spiritual dimension beyond the inferior material world.

    The bad is that those in position of power soon begin to exploit and oppress the flock.

    The ugly, religious feelings can easily lead to fanaticism and senseless cruelty against those criticing those beliefs.

  • lovelylil

    Is that it? No more takers? Lilly

  • Carmel

    The paint brush is too broad! History indicates the early stages of a religon are creative of a great elan that overcomes manmade barriers, unites the hearts of divergent peoples, tribes, nations. Over time they loose that cohesiveness, are corrupted by want of leadership, egos and rankerous elements. They loose their moral bearings, and begin to use the power that common belief affords for self agrandizement. Soon they compromise principal for personal gain and factions splinter the once socially advancing movement into contending sects. The original message has to be re-newed as the light is hidden by the dross of human shortcomings. Yet, humanity advances each time a new religion is born. Society is propelled to greater levels of unity while accomodating greater diversity. The cycle is repeated time and again.

    So what you see in terms of different sides of the coin are attributable to historical evolution that has afflicted all the worlds' religions. Not unlike the cycles in political systems.


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