Scott Berkun essay: How To Detect BS

by under_believer 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    In this excellent essay, software developer Scott Berkun details many good BS detection techniques. The essay has a business- and development-related focus, but many of the tips are general and useful in breaking down claims from anyone, including religious claims. Here's one telling excerpt:

    "Our dynamic flow capacity matrix has unprecedented downtime resistance protocols."

    If you don't understand what the hell this means, err on your own side. Don't assume you're missing something: assume they are. They're either hiding something, communicating poorly, or don't themselves understand what they're talking about. BS deflating responses include:

    * I refuse to accept this proposal until I, or someone I trust, fully understands it.
    * Explain this in simpler terms I can understand (repeat if necessary).
    * Break this into pieces you can verify, prove, compare, or demonstrate for me.
    * Are you trying to say "our network server has a backup power supply?" If so, can you speak plainly next time?

  • VM44

    "Our dynamic flow capacity matrix has unprecedented downtime resistance protocols." That sounds impressive! I must use that in the next report I write! :) --VM44

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    If so, can you speak plainly next time?

    "our big machine work all time"

    - Nee Ander Thal

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