Swedes show their support

by TR 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    This is an email from a relative in Sweden to my cousin Jay in Wisconsin:

    Dear Jay,
    > The whole world, with very few exceptions, is showing solidarity with the
    > American nation.Sweden is no exception. As I believe that American news
    > media are rather reporting from London, Bonn and Paris than from smaller
    > capitals like Stockholm I give here some personal impressions.
    > Here is now a wave of new internationalism in this formerly very "neutral"
    > country. The Prime Minister (Labour) has expressed strong feelings of the
    > need for all countries to participate in the fight against terrorism.
    > democracies must destroy terrorism, otherwise terrorism will destroy the
    > democracies".
    > Most people agree that we, also in our own interest, must participate much
    > more in different international actions, also military and with
    > intelligence cooperation.
    > Parliament has had a special session of Remembrance this afternoon with
    > King and Queen and the Government present. To-night services in many
    > churches all over the country.
    > Flags have been on half mast all over the country to-day.
    > But there are also warning voices against treating Muslims in Sweden as if
    > they all share a guilt for the attacks. Further, counter attacks from USA
    > must be directed towards those responsible, not against innocent people.
    > The association of Muslims in Sweden has made a very very strong statement
    > against those guilty for the 11 September attacks.
    > Well, this is just to give you and other American relatives a feeling of
    > sentiments here.
    > Warm regards
    > Finn


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

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