Having a Witness over tonight

by Unclepenn1 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Unclepenn1

    I went out the other day to find a J-dub to share the gospel with. I met a young man and invited him over to my house {tonight} and decided I would ask him a lot of questions, and gradually show him in a myriad of witness pubs that the JW's are False Prophets. My questiuon to you all is...... Do you think he will want to split once I show him these things (realizing that I am an 'apostate') or do you think he will want to know the truth. He has only been with them for a year. I would appreciate your suggestions,


  • SixofNine

    Imagine that you are in his shoes.

  • AlanF

    I suspect you might get to show him two or three items out of WTS publications before he flees. Anyone not a JW who demonstrates knowledge of WTS publications is automatically suspected as an apostate, and if you show him negative things, that will be confirmation. His reaction will be determined by how much fear of apostates he's absorbed.


  • RunningMan

    Whether he runs or not, it is still a worthwhile activity. Even if you can
    show him only one good point, it may begin to work on his mind, and show
    up many years later. I can remember several points that ate away at me
    for years before I actually faced the facts.

  • detective

    This isn't a variation of the Hannibal Lecter saying, "I'm having an old friend for dinner", is it?

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