Missing & dead JWs

by NikL 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • NikL

    Info from an e mail circulating among dubs from someone perporting to be at Bethel.
    It may have already been posted but just in case...

    Confirmed that one sister died in the disaster; 13 Witnesses unaccounted
    for at last report. The GB called all traveling overseers in the NY and NJ
    in for a meeting this morning in the 107 KH, to consider how best to offer c
    omfort and aid to those affected, etc. Many of the brothers from the Service
    Dept. in Patterson were here too. The dining room at Towers was a real bee-
    hive. Some Bethelites have been able to give food & other assistance to
    some of the casualties. We responded to a call from the Fire Dept. for he
    lp with equipment for cutting steel, etc., needed in the rescue operation.
    NOTE: I just received word that one of our brothers was on one of the ai
    rplane bombs.

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