A flyer about cults...

by nsrn 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • nsrn

    Hi, everyone. I went to a flea market yesterday and found a pamphlet that someone had left. It's a very homemade one--like it's a bunch of clippings pasted to a piece of paper (with some handwritten comments scattered throughout), then copied. It says "News and Views in the World of the Cults" . It has lots of web sites listed for us ex dubbies, and also sites/slams that expose Seventh Day Adventists, Masonry, Mormons, Witchcraft, Satanism, Harry Potter, and the Pope. And what the heck are Cooneyites???

    Hmmmmm. On one hand, it's a crummy quality handout and no doubt the proudly composed pamphlet of some elderly fundamentalist 'preacher'. On the other hand, at least he's doing something to reach out. I'm just kind of stagnant, afraid to approach anyone about the problems in the witnesses for fear of alienating or disrespecting my parents (86 yrs old). But I'm not sure how. Scattering pamphlets at a flea market? (For you people not familiar with the term, a flea market is a junk sale, multiple vendors. Mostly used items, some antiques.)

    Ian, this guy is definitely born again!!!!! Too bad he's a ranting, raving hater!

  • nsrn

    AND the websites listed are not all valid or current, AND whoever wrote this doesn't use the internet, as the dot.coms and HTMLs aren't consistant.

    On the bright side, check out www.chick.com So that's where those other pamphlets come from!!!!

  • Arthur
    Too bad he's a ranting, raving hater!

    Maybe he's J.F. Rutheford reincarnated.

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