The relative numbers....

by SixofNine 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    ....of this story kind of shocked me. Not sure why.

    The rebel group says it has 15,000 trained fighters and 15,000 others willing to fight, and that it could use its experience from its struggle against the Taliban to aid in any military action the United States may decide to undertake.

    Just noticing how small their group is, relative to the total killed in Tuesdays attacks. (approx 5000)

    This came from:

    An intriguing story in and of itself.

  • SixofNine
  • MegaDude

    This situation gets more complicated by the minute. Still, it makes me feel a lot better to know there are *committed* fighters in Afghanistan (unlike Viet Nam) that are ready to give these religious fanatics the boot. Maybe a better plan of action would be to arm the Afghans with all the firepower they need to free their country from the Taliban than sacrifice the lives of American soldiers. The Afghans have been fighting the Taliban for years. They are experienced, tough, seasoned fighters that know how to fight in the mountainous terrain of their country.
    With the United States behind them, it might give them the boost they need to take their country back.

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