straight from the horse's mouth.........

by jeffory 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeffory

    the horse in this case is District Overseer Aimee .
    commenting on what Brooklyn is doing about the WTC tradgedy He said that after the initial lock down, [ done because of security concerns due to lack of police in areas as they were all down town] as if that excuses it, they are now providing assistance in the form of a shuttle for fireman from Brooklyn to the downtown area as well as the providing of cutting torches and equiptment which may be needed.
    He made it sound as if they were actively doing something but I think it was merely an offer as opposed to an act done. I am sure their pr machine will have a glowing report of their activity in the days ahead.
    He also said that Brooklyn Bethel has provided all PO's in US with a sermon outline incorporating this tradgedy in order to give "Hope to others". Then he went on to make a carefully worded statement to the effect that our prayers go out to all victims in NY and their relatives.
    What struck me about his wording was that their was no reference to only the bro's and sisters affected by this tradgedy .

    My feelings on what was said and done?.... I see no good motive by them toward this tradgedy , only an effort to do PR damage control and try to make an appearance of helping without really helping,
    also I believe they really only want to capitilaze on this tradgedy.

    He also used a word that heretofore has been a bad word in the JW vocabulary , that is humanitarian works. He used this in reference to what is being done by the Brooklyn Bethel,
    to help in this tradgedy..
    Is it really a beginning of change, a more humsan heart in this sociopathic beast of an organization or just more self promoting deception?

    mu heart goes out to all who suffered from this evil act.

  • SixofNine

    They watch these boards and, while it pains them greatly no doubt, they have to respond to criticism that may turn out to be a pr disaster. An oh-so-human religion being dragged kicking and screaming into the modern world.

  • Satanus


    The wt likes to give the public the impression that they are politically correct. They even have their token black lawyer/spokesman. Back in the beginning charles russel was racist as was everyone else. Of course, everyone know that giving one image to the public while privately believing something totally different is HYPOCRACY!!!!!!! Fucking hypocrites.


  • FrightMare

    I'm confused Jeff. How would you know what a district overseer said?

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