Tears and Healing

by Thirdson 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    Hi folks,

    I haven’t posted anything since last weekend and a lot has happened this week. Like everyone else I have experienced the full range of emotions from shock and horror to anger and sadness. I gathered with many colleagues in the company lunchroom and watched TV, watched the WTC towers collapse, saw the shock, pain and the tears on the faces of my friends. When I couldn’t get on CNN.com, the BBC or any other news channels I came to this board to read your comments from TV news…thanks to all for keeping me up to date.

    I won’t share my views on what has happened and what should be done. They are mine. When I have read some posts I have swung from one viewpoint that I thought I agreed with to the other extreme finding the opposite to be agreeable, only to swing back the other way again with the next post. I suppose that at times like this we post some rash statements as well and I have been disppointed by the reaction of some here but I can understand why some things have been said.

    Mrs Thirdson has been deeply affected by the events of this week. She has been physically sick, depressed and very anxious. I have had my work cut-out just providing reassurance. I won’t watch TV news if she is nearby. Yesterday at dinner I prayed for the victims and the families and those who have died only to make my wife burst in to tears again. Today she attended the cathedral in downtown Minneapolis where we were married a year ago this weekend. She said it was packed for the 11:00 A.M. memorial service. She cried through the whole service and afterwards cried in the arms of many of the ones we know. But the release of tears has been a real help and it has been good for her to find a place and time to let go and release that emotion. The cathedral congregation numbers some 2000 and every family or member was contacted by telephone on Thursday to notify them of the special service. In addition to the national anthem the service included two of my wife’s favorite hymns. It has been a great help, I’m glad she was able to attend.

    My son on the other hand has dealt with the tragedy by talking non-stop about the events and watching a lot of news programs. It has proved to be difficult dealing with both in the way they need to handle this situation!

    Just my own viewpoint on small things: I think the little things that many are doing are right and helpful. Lighting candles and flying the flag are small things that strengthen us and unites this nation in this difficult time. My son went to school choosing to wear the colors of the flag. Neither he nor I are US citizens yet but we feel proud and privileged to live here and what has been generously shared with us will not be taken away from the American people by the evil.

    Keep flying the flag!


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

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