Did you visit newlybaptized people if you couldn't count time or placments?

by Wasanelder Once 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Did you visit newly baptized people even if you couldn't count the time or placements? Many avoid newly baptized people because they can no longer count time or placements. How about you? How did you function in this way?

    It's amazing how many people who are newly baptized become like lepers to their study conductors and fellow initial love bombers.


  • gumby

    I'll tell ya a little story.

    Before my daughter was baptised, she had a pioneer sister who befriended her when they moved to unassigned territory and away from our hall. She wrote my daughter long letters and my daughter was sooo happy that this sister took such an intrest in her. As SOON as my daughter got baptized, the letters stopped. This hearless bitch used my daughter to get in her frickin time and she broke my daughters heart. It all in getting in your time and placing literature.....not true fellow feeling.


  • KW13
    Before my daughter was baptised, she had a pioneer sister who befriended her when they moved to unassigned territory and away from our hall. She wrote my daughter long letters and my daughter was sooo happy that this sister took such an intrest in her. As SOON as my daughter got baptized, the letters stopped. This hearless bitch used my daughter to get in her frickin time and she broke my daughters heart. It all in getting in your time and placing literature.....not true fellow feeling.

    how awful is that!

    A lad who i thought was a real friend, took a real shine me running up to the memorial then dropped me when i didn't go lol.

  • GermanXJW

    You get what you measure.

  • juni

    Of course! Had a lot of nice visits.


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