NATO The JW View?

by ballistic 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    Whilst not wishing to triplicate the NATO thread, I wish to ask a question of a more religious nature concerning it.
    The Jehovah's Witnesses place much emphasis on the scriptual relevance of The UN but not NATO.
    What are the current thoughts on this in the organisation and is there likely to be any New Light regarding the beasts of Revelation yet again?
    This also raises the question of the king of the north and the king of the south because if there is a WW3, it is not going to be between Russia and America or Democracy and Communism but Democracy and terroism?

  • nytelecom2

    there is no understanding of Nato and the Bible.
    however things change all the time

  • LittleToe


    Nice one, ballistic, I guess most will "Watch this space" on that one.

    NATO certainly seems to have more teeth thatn the UN (IMHO).
    Also, as for King of North/South, it's probably caused more speculation (and hence distraction <g>) than most other things recently (especially with the "Daniel" book's comments).
    Seems that China is also a favourite, but maybe that'll change to the Islamic Alliance.

    Who knows where the pennies will fall.
    I'm personally expecting a "It would be reasonable to conclude...without being too dogmatic" in a "Question from Readers", not too many months/years from now.
    (But maybe I'm just a two-bit cynic - unlike the two-dollar ones around about <g>)


  • NameWithheld2

    Ha ha ... don't give them ideas! Now that they've gotton into bed with the UN they need a new 'wild beast' and NATO just might fit the bill.

    And it's funny how quick some of the WOL/GC threads turned to calling terrorism 'the king of the north' (or was that south?)

    The new new 'new light' about the king of the north/south ...

  • MacHislopp

    Hello ballistic,

    excellent question!

    I would go along with nameWithheld2 :

    "..don't give them ideas! Now that they've gotton into bed with the UN they need a new 'wild beast' and NATO just might fit the bill. "

    Nothing should surprise but NATO organisation is a...
    military organisation 100% (and includes Russia ) you know the answer!

    Again wait and see.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

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