More Watchtower Pornography

by Tallyman 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman

    Here is some more Watchtower Pornography for your husband to look at, Ez
    since he was not aware that this stuff existed. I've got gobs more.

    What I posted last night was WT Pornography from recent years,
    but this porn is from 1940 - over 60 years ago.

    Rutherford got his jollies when the Bethel Art Dept. cranked out this Smut.


    Here, again, a huge crowd of jehovah Witnesses, streaming away from
    a Horrific Explosion of Death & Destruction of their Enemies...
    (anyone who did not agree with them on the subject of "religion")
    and they are exulting in this Massive Slaughter of Human Life.

    We see a very diverse, multi-cultural grouping of jWs,
    coming from a city which would house that kind of broad section of humanity...
    say, New York City, perhaps?

    So, The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society DESTROYS New York City,
    and presumably, the Rest Of The World, but just didn't have the space
    to show it all.

    (Awww, their WTArmageddon was SO CLOSE Sixty-One Years ago,
    and they just couldn't wait for their Fantasies to become Reality...
    which, when Fanatics become impatient - as present-day jWs are -
    sometimes the 'action is forced' and fantasy BECOMES reality.
    It sure did for those 24 Islamic Fanatics on this Tuesday)

    jWs are Dangerous. VERY Dangerous!



    I use to prefer the ones that were a bit more graphic. The ones where the worldies look all derranged and get their ass whopped by God. I especially liked that Photo in the 'You can live forever..' book. The one where the little kid is hugging its mother while God causes it to rain down and kill everyone. How nice...

  • Esmeralda

    Thanks, Tally! His mouth is still hanging open from your previous post. On top of that, the story about the GB locking Bethel up made him actually shout out loud (and he's a really quiet guy!)

    All of this definitely insures that he will never show the least bit of interest of joining the cult...and I'll never go back.

    love ya

  • Tallyman
    I use to prefer the ones that were a bit more graphic.


    Okay, I see you go for the Hard-Core Watchtower Porn.

    I'll put some of that up for you tomorrow.


  • Satanus


    Actually, the wt has a few things in common with islam, only islam takes it further. The wt has definite nonos for which there are sanctions and eventually death. In islam, if you seduce another mans wife, the man is a hero if he kills you and cripples his wife. The man is head. The family unit is veiwed as sacred. Cleanliness is stressed. Respect for authority is strongly stressed. Any who leave islam are viewed as traiters and should be/are killed. Non-islamists are viewed as infidels, needing to be conquored or converted. Equality among themselves regardless of race. A pilgrammage to mecca should be done at least once. For men there are many liberalities. If a man has a job in another city, that is supposed to last for 4 months for example, he can contract to be married to a woman in that city for that time. This exists in iran.

    I guess islam, as jws, old fashioned catholicism and primitive christianity would fit the definition of a cult.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    I haven't been to your earlier post yet, so forgive me if you've done this already, but do you have the WT annual calendar from the early 60's (if I recall correctly) that illustrated Armageddon?

    It was primo!

  • Tallyman
    do you have the WT annual calendar from the early 60's (if I recall correctly) that illustrated Armageddon?

    It was primo!

    no I don't. What year? Anyone got a copy?
    Can anyone put up a scan?

    Right now, I'm collecting any and all scenes of Watchtower-published
    destruction of humans and property... especially the depictions of
    destruction of U.S.Government Buildings.

    If anyone can put up these images, or point me to the literature,
    page number, etc. and I'll scan it.

    I'm making a webpage that will be going to the FBI and all kinds of
    other U.S.Security Agencies to warn them of the Watchtower Seditionists.

    Theocratic Terrorist Cells in addition to Harboring and Protecting Child Molesters... I predict a plethora of bad publicity and maybe
    even criminal convictions for Watchtower Leaders and Supporters.

    Yes, supporters too.
    If you Harbor and give Aid to Evil Watchtower Leaders, you can expect to full brunt of retaliation when it comes.

    Uhhh, I think the WTSociety even had a name for that activity years ago: Community Responsibility
    but you don't hear them mention it anymore.
    Wonder why?


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Tallyman,

    sorry a bit late, but thanks for

    the post ...! Great.

    Do you have any more from the 40's 30's etc.???

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Tallyman

    Yes Mac, I have gobs more.

    I collected the old WT literature from the time I joined the Kult
    until they kicked me out of their Theocracy.

    I'm in the process of making a webpage with these images of jehovah's Witnesses celebrating the deaths of their fellow man and woman.

    I will be including this webpage with images and references
    when I send my "Open Letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation"
    to warn them of this Extremely Dangerous Network of Fundamentalist Fanatics who have a Global Network in place and whose intent is the Violent Overthrow of America, as well as all other governments in opposition to their Theocracy.

    Of course, this Terror Organization we know as:
    The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc.

    The FBI and all other U.S.Security Agencies need to be duly warned.


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