Creative Days, Creation Awake

by twain30 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • twain30

    Something interesting in the September, 2006 Awake was the article's references to The Creative Days and how ridiculos Fundamentalists are for saying that they are each literal 24 hour periods.

    According to the Jaunuary 1st, 1987 Watchtower on page 30, Jehovah's Witnesses maintain that each Creative Day was 7,000 years long, totalling 49,000 years.

    In the face of overwhelming paleantological evidnce to the contrary; dinosaur fossils, living sea creatures that predated them, single cell life that predated the sea creatures, etc. I submit that this view is equally ridiculous.

    The Society cannot abandon this view because to do so would call into question the 6,000 years of man's existence having ended in 1975. This would call into question the validity of the 6th Creative Day ending, now entering into God's rest...Things would begin to unravel.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Hello Twain,

    Many current JWs don't realise that the WT ever taught the "7000 year creative day" idea. It seems to have been quietly shelved, rather than retracted.

    It was discussed in this thread.


  • sspo

    They have not talked about creative days for a very long time, after 1975 and the end did not come they really don't know anymore what's going on.

    Most of the witnesses don't give much thought anymore about all the details, they blindly follow, go to meetings and spent some time in service and they satisfy their conscience, watchtower, of course feel they have god's approval.

  • blondie

    I saw an oldtimer answer at a meeting about a creative day being 7,000 years long about 5 years ago. A newbie JW jumped all this person as to where they got such a bizarre idea. After the meeting, I showed the newbie where this had been doctrine before they were baptized. I also pointed out that it had never been officially "adjusted" just dropped along the wayside.

    As the oldtimers die out, this teaching will disappear just like the teachings around 1925 did.


  • sir82

    This is the thing that kills me the most about how the Society tackles the "evolution vs. creation" debate.

    Without fail, they will always include an article mocking with derision "those crazy fundamentalists, they (snort, chuckle) believe that (guffaw) life has existed (ho ho) for only (sputter) 6000 years! What maroons!!!"

    Then, within a paragraph or 2, they will say, "the Bible allows for life to be many more thousands of years old! See how much better our postion matches up with 'true science'!!!"

    Num-nuts! The same scientists who prove that life has existed for more than 6000 years, with the exact same methods, prove that homo sapiens has been in existence for hundreds of thousands of years, thus invalidating their precious chronology based on a literal reading of Genesis.

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