scanned copy for watchtower study for this sunday 7/30

by buffalosrfree 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • buffalosrfree

    does anyone have or know where I can get a scanned copy of the 7/30 watchtower lesson. pls to advise, my spouse needs it as no copy can be found ere. tks

  • blondie

    All I have (pardon me it breaks out)


    'All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction.
    "-ROMANS 15:4.

    Q1) How does Jehovah give us reminders, and why do we need them?

    1) Jehovah provides his people with reminders in order to help them deal with the pressures of these difficult times. Some of these reminders come to the fore during personal Bible reading, while others take the form of information or comments presented at Christian meetings. Much of what we read or hear on these occasions is not new to us. Likely, we have considered similar information before. Since we are inclined to forget, though, we continually need to refresh our memories with regard to Jehovah's purposes, laws, and instructions. We should appreciate God's reminders. They renew our spirit by helping us to keep in focus the reasons that motivated us to adopt a godly life course. Thus, the psalmist sang to Jehovah: "Your reminders are what I am fond of."-Psalm 119:24.

    Q2, 3) (a) Why did Jehovah preserve down to our day the life stories of Bible characters? (b) Which episodes from the Scriptures will be considered in this article?

    2) Though penned many centuries ago, God's Word is dynamic. (Hebrews 4:12) It presents us with true accounts of the lives of Bible characters. While customs and points of view have changed much since Bible times, the challenges we have to face are often similar to those faced back then. Many stories preserved for our benefit in the Bible offer us touching examples of people who loved Jehovah and served him faithfully despite adverse circumstances. Other accounts call attention to the kind of conduct that God hates. Jehovah had all these personal histories, good and bad, included in the Bible as reminders. It is as the apostle Paul wrote: "All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope."-Romans 15:4.

    3) Let us focus on three episodes from the Scriptures: the account of David's dealings with Saul, that of Ananias and Sapphira, and that of Joseph's conduct with Potiphar's wife. Each of these teaches us valuable lessons.

    Loyalty to God's Arrangements

    Q4, 5) (a) What situation existed involving King Saul and David? (b) How did
    David react to Saul's animosity?

    4) King Saul proved unfaithful to Jehovah and unworthy to rule over His people.
    So God rejected him and directed the prophet Samuel to anoint David as the
    future king of Israel. When David showed prowess as a warrior and received
    acclaim from the people, Saul began to view David as a rival. Saul repeatedly
    tried to do away with him. David survived on each occasion because Jehovah was
    with him.-1 Samuel 18:6-12, 25; 19: 10,11.

    5) For years, David was forced to live as a fugitive. When the opportunity arose
    to kill Saul, David's companions urged him to do so, saying that Jehovah was
    giving David's enemy into his hand. Yet, David refused. His loyalty to Jehovah
    and his respect for Saul's position as anointed king of God's people moved him
    to act this way. Jehovah had appointed Saul as king of Israel, had he not?
    Jehovah would also remove him when he saw fit to do so. David reasoned that it
    was not his business to intervene. After doing all that he could under the
    circumstances to soften Saul's antagonism toward him, David concluded: "Jehovah
    himself will deal him a blow; or his day will come and he will have to die, or
    down into battle he will go, and he will certainly be swept away. It is
    unthinkable, on my part, from Jehovah's standpoint, to thrust my hand out
    against the anointed of Jehovah! "-1 Samuel 24:315; 26:7-20.

    Blurb on page 26: Why did David refuse to allow Saul to be killed?

    Q6) Why is the story of David and Saul of interest to us?

    6) This account contains a vital lesson. Have you ever found yourself asking why
    certain problems arise in the Christian congregation? It could be that an
    individual is acting in a way that is not appropriate. His conduct may not
    amount to gross wrong doing, but it disturbs you. How should you react? Out of
    Christian interest in that person and out of loyalty to. Jehovah, you may choose
    to speak with him in a kindly way, with the aim of winning him over. What,
    though, if the problem persists? After you have done
    all that you reasonably can, you may want to leave the matter in Jehovah's
    hands. That is what David did.

    Q7) In imitation of David, how should we react if we experience injustice or

    7) Or you might be facing problems of social injustice or religious prejudice.
    Possibly there is little or nothing you can do about them at this time. Such a
    situation can be very difficult to endure, but David's reaction to injustice
    teaches us a lesson. The psalms David wrote are a poignant record not only of
    his heartfelt prayers for God to keep him out of Saul's clutches but also of his
    loyalty to Jehovah and his concern for the glorification of God's name. (Psalm
    18:1-6, 25-27, 30-32, 48-50; 57:1-11) David remained loyal to Jehovah even
    though Saul continued to act in an unjust way for years. We too should remain
    faithful to Jehovah and to his organization regardless of injustices we suffer
    and regardless of what others do. We can rest as0sured that Jehovah is fully
    aware of the situation.--Psalm 86:2.

    Q8) How did Jehovah's Witnesses in Mozambique react when their loyalty to
    Jehovah was put to the test?

    8) Christians in Mozambique provide a modern-day example of some who loyally
    stuck to Jehovah in a time of testing. In 1984 their villages were repeatedly
    raided by armed members of a resistance movement, who robbed, burned houses, and
    killed. There seemed little that these true Christians could do to defend
    themselves. The inhabitants of the area were subjected to efforts to recruit
    them into a militarized movement or to force them to support it in other ways.
    Jehovah's Witnesses considered doing so to be incompatible with their position
    of Christian neutrality. Their refusal was met with rage. As many as 30
    Witnesses were killed in that turbulent period, but not even the threat of death
    could break the loyalty of God's people.* (Footnote: *See the 1996 Yearbook of
    Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 160-2.) Like David, they endured injustices but
    eventually came off victorious.

    Blurb on page 27: What do we learn from the account of Ananias and Sapphira?

    A Warning Reminder

    Q9, 10) (a) How can we benefit from certain Scriptural examples? (b) What was
    wrong with Ananias and Sapphira's actions?

    9) Some of the individuals mentioned in the Scriptures provide warning reminders
    about conduct to be avoided. Indeed, the Bible contains many accounts of people,
    even among God's servants, who did wrong and suffered the consequences. (1
    Corinthians 10:11) One such account is that of Ananias and Sapphira, a married
    couple who were members of the first-century Christian congregation in

    10) After Pentecost 33 C.E., the need arose to provide materially for new
    believers who remained in Jerusalem to benefit from association with the
    apostles. Some members of the congregation sold property to ensure that no one
    was in need. (Acts 2:41-45) Ananias and Sapphira sold a field and brought only
    part of the proceeds to the apostles, claiming that their gift represented all
    the funds received from the sale. Granted, Ananias and Sapphira were entitled to
    give as much or as little as they wanted, but their motive was bad, and their
    actions were dishonest. They wanted to make a good impression and appear to be
    doing more than they actually were. The apostle Peter, under the inspiration of
    holy spirit, unmasked their dishonesty and hypocrisy, and Jehovah struck them
    dead.-Acts 5:1-10.

    Q11, 12) (a) What are some reminders about honesty? (b) What benefits come from
    being honest?

    11) If we are ever tempted to distort the truth in an attempt to make people
    think well of us, may the story of Ananias and Sapphira stand as a sober
    reminder. We might be able to deceive fellow humans, but we cannot fool Jehovah.
    (Hebrews 4:13) Time and again the Scriptures exhort us to be honest with one
    another, for liars will have no place in an earth swept clean of
    unrighteousness. (Proverbs 14:2; Revelation :21:8; 22:15) The reason for that
    should be clear. The promoter of all untruth is none other than Satan the Devil.
    John 8:44.

    12) Making honesty our way of life brings numerous benefits. Among them are a
    clean conscience and the satisfaction of being trusted by others. In many cases,
    because they were honest, Christians have obtained employment or have kept their
    jobs. The most important benefit, though, is that honesty wins us the friendship
    of Almighty God.-Psalm 15:1,2.

    Blurb on page 28: What caused Joseph to reject immoral advances?

    Maintaining Chastity

    Q13) In what situation did Joseph find himself, and how did he react?

    13 Joseph, a son of the patriarch Jacob, was sold into slavery at the age of 17.
    He eventually found himself in the household of Potiphar, an Egyptian court
    official, where Joseph caught the attention of his master's wife. She desired to
    have sexual intercourse with Joseph, who was a handsome young man, and day after
    day she kept urging him: "Lie down with me." Joseph was far from his family in a
    land where nobody knew him. He may well have been able to have relations with
    this woman without other people being aware of it. Yet, when Potiphar's wife
    finally grabbed hold of him, Joseph fled. -Genesis 37:2,18-28; 39:1-12.

    Q14, 15) (a) Why is Joseph's story of interest to us? (b) Why was one Christian
    woman grateful that she heeded God's reminders?

    14) Joseph was raised in a God-fearing family, and he understood that sexual
    relations between people who are not husband and wife are wrong. "How could I
    commit this great badness and actually sin against God?" he asked. His
    conclusion was likely guided by knowledge of God's standard for humans as
    expressed in Eden, that of monogamy. (Genesis 2:24) God's people today can
    benefit from reflecting on the way Joseph reacted to that situation. In some
    areas, attitudes toward sexual relations are so casual that youngsters who
    refuse to get involved in immorality are derided by their peers. Extramarital
    relations among adults are common. Hence, Joseph's story is a timely reminder
    for us. God's standard still is that fornication and adultery are sins. (Hebrews
    13:4) Many who have succumbed to pressure to engage in illicit sex agree that
    there is compelling reason not to do so. Among the undesired results may be a
    sense of degradation, a troubled conscience, jealousies, pregnancy, and sexually
    transmitted disease. Just as the Scriptures remind us, a person who practices
    fornication is "sinning against his own body."-1 Corinthians 5:9-12; 6:18;
    Proverbs 6:23-29,32.

    15) Jenny,* (Footnote: *Name has been changed.) a single Witness of Jehovah, has
    reason to appreciate God's reminders. At work, a handsome colleague made
    overtures to her. When Jenny did not reciprocate, he intensified his attentions.
    "I found myself struggling to remain chaste," she admits, "because it is
    flattering when someone of the opposite sex takes notice of you." Yet, she
    realized that the man was only trying to add her to the number of women with
    whom he had had relations. When she felt herself weakening in her resolve to
    resist, she supplicated Jehovah to help her remain faithful to Him. Jenny found
    that the things she learned as she did research in the Bible and Christian
    publications were like reminders that served as a shot in the arm to keep her
    guard up. One of those reminders was the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife.
    "As long as I keep reminding myself about how much I love Jehovah," she
    concludes, "I need not fear that I will commit this great badness and sin
    against him."

    Heed God's Reminders!

    Q16) How can we benefit from reviewing and meditating on the lives of
    individuals mentioned in the Bible?

    16 We can all increase our appreciation for Jehovah's standards by striving to
    understand why he had certain accounts preserved in the Scriptures for us. What
    do they teach? What qualities or tendencies exemplified by Bible characters do
    we need to imitate or to avoid? Literally hundreds of individuals make their
    appearance in the pages of God's Word. All who love divine instruction would do
    well to cultivate an appetite for life-giving wisdom, including lessons we can
    learn from the examples that Jehovah has carefully preserved. This magazine has
    often featured articles about such individuals whose stories have something to
    teach us. Why not spend time reviewing these?

    Q17) How do you feel about Jehovah's reminders, and why?

    17 How grateful we can be for the loving concern that Jehovah manifests for
    those who are striving to do his will! We are by no means perfect, just as the
    men and women mentioned in the Bible were not perfect. However, the written
    record of their actions is an invaluable resource for us. By heeding Jehovah's
    reminders, we can avoid making costly mistakes, and we can imitate the fine
    examples of those who walked in the ways of righteousness. If we do so, we will
    be able to sing with the psalmist: "Happy are those observing [Jehovah's]
    reminders; with all the heart they keep searching for him. My soul has kept your
    reminders, and I love them exceedingly."-Psalm 119:2,167.

    How Would You Answer?

    - What can we learn from David's attitude toward Saul?
    - The account of Ananias and Sapphira teaches us what?
    - Why is Joseph's life story of particular interest today?

  • buffalosrfree

    Much tks Blondie, I copied and pasted from you wt on 7/30. tks. buff

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