What do you think about this...?

by jason bourne 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • jason bourne
    jason bourne

    Perhaps as a jw you experienced events in the ministry or elsewhere that convinced you that Jehovah through the angels was directing you to people..or situations.....??

    Like for instance, to the house of a suicidal man or to a person that was praying for someone to help them spiritually...

    Do you have any opinions about this? I'm just curious.....


  • dido

    I thought that the angels were directed to me, as i was looking for answers when the witnesses called on me, and i know of a few instances where i thought it was angels.Now i`m out and don`t believe that it is god`s org., i wonder if it was just coincidence that they called on me, i can`t believe it was directed by god, after learning so much about the org. and all the bad stuff that goes on in it.

  • jason bourne
    jason bourne

    Thanks dido.....im trying to come to terms with it.......i had so much faith that i was being used to help

  • dido

    I know what you mean, i wondered about that too,like `evidence of god`s spirit` i thought that i felt it thro prayer and when i answered up, i got a pumping sensation, and was convinced it was his spirit giving me courage.

  • whatistruth

    I don't think I ever believed that, never seemed to make sense, not with billions of people suffering everyday, yet what they don't even know is that what they are relying on is two eggheads coming to their door offering a magazine on elevator saftey.

    Gimme a break

  • Arthur

    I remember Steven Hassan wrote about this in his book: "Combatting Cult Mind Control". As you may know, Steven Hassan was a member of the Unification Church; otherwise known as the "Moonies" cult back in the 1970s. Hassan wrote an entire chapter about his introduction, indoctrination, and conversion into the Moonies. He explained that inside the church, he met several people who had been praying for guidance from God shortly before meeting a Moonies recruiter. On page 42 of his book, Hassan writes:

    "It was always amazing to me to realize how many people in this category told us they had just been praying to God to show them what He wanted them to do with their lives. Many believed that they were spiritually led to meet one of our members."

  • AnonyMouse


    My family always said "It was as if the answers to thier questions just CAME to me."

    Thats exactly what happened when I had my discussion with mom. The rebuttle and attack to everything she said came to me as if by 'divine influence'. Probably a heightened memory due to adrenaline. Just about everything is boosted by adrenaline...

  • parakeet

    ***Perhaps as a jw you experienced events in the ministry or elsewhere that convinced you that Jehovah through the angels was directing you to people..or situations.....??***
    I often thought Jehovah was directing me to houses that had the most vicious dogs. I learned quickly how to back away slowly and carefully from a snarling Doberman.

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