Mexico and an Army

by sammielee24 2 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sammielee24

    It is recognized that the Society allows the Mexican brothers to buy their government military cards, but what would happen if that country suddenly decided to call up all those registered members - including all those brothers? If a card carrying member suddenly was called upon to bear arms and fight, what would the Watchtower do? How could they object when they allowed the illegal activity in the first place and would they try and disfellowship all those hundreds or thousands who scammed the system? I was just thinking of the people around the world who are still jailed for refusing mandatory military duty in accordance with the laws of their country and how the society sees fit in their version of the truth to either condone or condemn fraudenlent activity, all the while spouting peace, persecution and honesty. sammieswife.

  • Stealth453

    I think that the watchliar society would just ignore it. Mexico is to close to home to make it an issue. The press would kill them.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    I have also thought about this myself. Interesting...


    Lady Liberty

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