This site does give you fair warning

by free2beme 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Yesterday, my active Witness mother called me. We talk all the time, and since she knows I am Wiccan and do not consider myself Christian and am against the Witnesses. She never brings it up, so that we can have a censored relationship. Yesterday though, was the day after she got home from her assembly. I did not know when she was going, she lives 1000 miles from me. So I was just figuring that the call was just are normal every other week phone call. I could tell though, she wanted to bring up the religion, as she was mentioning the assembly often and that is just not our normal censored conversation.

    Knowing something was eating her, I baited her by asking how her assembly was. She then went into, "Oh it was wonderful, but I am so concerned. You and your sister are all out of the truth, and these last days are getting so short. They were basically saying that end was coming so soon, that we might not be able to even have an assembly next year. You see on the news what is happening in the Middle East, you must realize this is it. You could easily come back, the elders would listen to you and help you to leave that Pagan stuff. It is just Satan, and I know you realize that." She then went into all the points they mentioned, etc. I set and listened, and simply came back with, "Mom, why did you get baptized in 1975?" She went silent, and said, "I can see you are truly blinded then, your grandmother will be so said to not see you and your sister there." I just said nothing, let her think I was concerned with the silence. I don't want to hurt her, after all, she has been very kind to me and my family despite the elders telling her to shun us and my son loves her. So I just came back with, "Mom, I am not a Witness, you are, and that is how it will be for years to come. Whether you think that is months, and I think that is years, does not matter. Lets just drop it." The conversation went on from there to discuss normal talking points.

    The thing is, if it was not for this site telling me about these things. I would not have any warning or insight to these conventions and assemblies. It is very helpful, yet sadly it shows how predictable they are. Yet this site does give you fair warning, and that is something I appreciate.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    hi free! it's sad. i am going through the same thing with my mom. i tell her i know the "scoop" on the org since I was at bethel but she comes back saying, "but we must make our meetings for Jehovah." Crap! anyway

    They were basically saying that end was coming so soon, that we might not be able to even have an assembly next year.

    At our DA they said they were planning next years assembly! WTF???

    Yes. Where would we be if it wasn't for this site??? This site has saved my mental health.

  • free2beme

    My mother is always looking for the end with the strongest desire to only hear what makes her feel better. I figured they were planning for next years, but she only heard what she wanted to hear and has done so since she got baptized in 1975 to get in under the wire.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    My mom too, she told me we are on the brink of WW3, poor scared people, I feel sorry for her, becausse I know the elders have her up late at night worried, talking to her friends about the end of the world, AGAIN!!!


    Your call reminds me of what I have to go through when I call my dad this week. I am not looking forward to it.

  • parakeet

    ***if it was not for this site telling me about these things. I would not have any warning or insight to these conventions and assemblies.***

    That was my initial reason for coming here, too. I needed ammunition because I thought some JW relatives were about to visit to pour Armageddon all over me. They never did show up, but I'm well armed now.

  • Warlock


    She never answered your question and then proceeded to say you were blinded. I guess you gave her a "conversation stopper".


  • garybuss

    William Miller's followers didn't even plant crops the year of their end time date. At least they didn't disrespect their own teachings.
    I'm all in favor of keeping rapport. In the first place, trying to reason with a Jehovah's Witness is like trying to reason with a drunk.

  • Dave_T

    I really admire you for keeping your cool in such a situation. I'm not sure I would have been able to hear that with composure.
    Dave T

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