Disfellowshiped to make an example out of you

by Wordly Andre 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I knew someone who was DF because of where they worked, the elders DF him and said they needed to make an example out of him to the rest of the cong, He worked at a company who supplied military & civilian parts, a few of his co-workers were JW's but nothing happend to them. I alway felt race had something to do with it and maybe jealousy, he was a dark hispanic in a mostly white hall, and he made a lot of money, had a big house and drove a caddy. If I remember correct one of the elders was a janitor, and the other was a pool cleaner. Does anyone else have a similar story?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I know people who have been treated the same way. I know a guy who used to be an MS but wasn't allowed to be one for years because he worked for a company that supplied military equipment (but not his division or the plant where he worked). Eventually even after he was appointed the Elders worked hard to get him removed.
    Wonder why anybody would even want to 'reach out'.
    I wonder to myself if they are going to want to df me just to make an example out of those who stop going to the meetings because they (possibly) no longer agree. I just have a feeling they might try and pull something like that.

  • dvw

    the watch tower had stock in some weapons manufacturers at one time. he probably worked for a competitor.

    most of the local elders here are janitors, floor cleaners, etc. some do very well.

  • bigmouth

    " the watch tower had stock in some weapons manufacturers at one time. he probably worked for a competitor."
    Now this is interesting. I believe the stock is or was with the Rand Corporation? The Society would argue, presumably, that they had no direct link with armament manufacture because the stock was bundled up with a larger poretfolio. Now would they nail a brother for being employed by a company that had its threads in a military business? Too right they would!
    That's about as hypocritical as joining the UN to get a library card.

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