I used to wonder...

by darth frosty 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Why 'appostates' where so adament to out the society. You would hear about them picketing assemblies and DC's. When I got to Bethel they would tell newb's about how the apostates had an annual march on Bethel. I would think ' why cant these people just move on with there life?' What do they stand to gain by such actions and 'lies' against there former associates.

    Now that I am out and somewhat free of their programing ( I still feel a need to capitalize Bethel) I understand the need. It is the same thing that drove a faithful witness to help others when they first heard about the 'truth'. I still have friends, who go to the hall and I still associate with them ( I musta did a hell of a job on the fade-ing) I listen to them as they go thru the same doldrums and mindless busy work for the Borg that I gave up almost 6 yrs ago. Nothing has changed The only difference is that they are now 6 yrs closer to to a new world thats no-where to be seen. They talk about the need for service, but not to help people, now its just going thru the motion and putting on a show. There is still the gosiping and class distinctions going on, despite the ocassional WT that condemns it. And sadly life is still passing them by.

    They are still scared to get to know wordly people for fear they might find out that they are not the cracked out fornicators the WT$ has led them to belive. And as it has been reported on still fearing higher education. How they will treat me in the coming future I really dont care, But I will make the effort to explain to them the real life.

  • Crumpet

    I enjoyed your observations - I too used to wonder why the apostates campaigned so fiercely outside assemblies and now i totally get it!

    I did disagree with this statement though:

    They are still scared to get to know wordly people for fear they might find out that they are not the cracked out fornicators the WT$ has led them to belive.
    I think that if they actually thought that - they would be half way to being free. The trouble is they really do believe on the whole that the rest of the world is evil and all worldly people are bad association spoiling useful habits. I believed it right up until when I left home and worldly people took me under their wing - didnt judge me- didnt ask me any questions - gave me food - gave me clothes and cooking utensils - didn't try to force me into having sex or drugs with them - called in regularly to check I was eating properly and looking after myself and not to preach at me. But I never would have known that if I hadn;t left and sadly those still imprisoned mentally will never know that either.
  • Arthur
    I think that if they actually thought that - they would be half way to being free. The trouble is they really do believe on the whole that the rest of the world is evil and all worldly people are bad association spoiling useful habits. I believed it right up until when I left home and worldly people took me under their wing -

    You made a very good point. I think a major factor in JWs seeing all worldly people as wicked is that they see all worldly people through the lense of the media. What do newspapers and news outlets show other than the darkest aspects of humanity? (homicides, gang violence, car bombings, etc.) Many Witnesses never see all of the "worldly" people who are very peaceful, loving, caring, compassionate people.

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