what are you up to this summer?

by lovelylil 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    Hi all,

    I have not posted in a long while! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. I have the kids home so I have been very busy. So far I went to a 4th of July Party, family reunion, friend's wedding and went to visit family out of state. My hubby is off for the whole month of July so we usually do a lot of traveling. With the kids home I am always busy. We also went to the beach three times already this summer, my kids favorite activity. I like the beach too but what I like about it is I can get a lot of reading done. I pull my chair right up to the edge of the water and dip my feet and read away.

    Anyway, I wanted to let everyone know what I have been up to thus far and see what others have been doing. Anyone go on a nice vacation this summer? Lilly

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    Hello lovelylil.

    This year my wife (Bubble) and I had a vacation in New York - fantastic!!!

    We are going to Egypt next month for a two week break in the sun, mind you it's well over 90 degrees here in Emgland at the moment and could hit 100 tomorrow.

    We have booked a super luxury 5 star hotel (the George Cinq) in Paris for my wifes 40th Birthday but that is not until next february.

    Oh and later in feb we are off to Prague for our anniversary.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Going camping at a big Christian meeting all next week.

    My first proper holiday in four years

  • Finally-Free

    I'm not doing too much. I'm going to start picking red currants in my backyard this weekend and I'll make a batch of wine out of it. Once it's ready I'll have my family over for a BBQ.


  • anewme

    No vacation for me needed. I just look out the door at a state park everyday!

  • parakeet

    Hi, lovely lil,
    I was wondering where you had gone! Glad it was for enjoyable family reasons.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    sounds like a nice time lil!

    i have already been to croatia and back this summer. that was a super chill vacation. i just did the riviera type thing and hung out on the beach and tanned and picked up norwegian babes. i went for two weeks. it was pretty fun!

    then, on august 5 i set out from calgary on my road bike, and 4 saddlebags containing everything that i own (yes, throwing the rest away), and riding to this big outdoor "burning man" type festival we have here in canada called Shambala. it's close to nelson BC. and then after that, i keep riding for the coast, turning south at vancouver and heading down the west coast of of the states to LA. then from there i plan on heading across to the desert for the winter, hopefully. we'll see, but that's the plan right now. if that doesn't work, then i will head back up to vancouver, or vancouver island for the winter.

    hope all is well!


  • lovelylil

    Hi parakeet, emo and everyone else. Africa, I am jealous that you get to go to Egypt, I want to go there so badly! This year we did not plan anything big because we had so many family and friends things going on and they are all driving trips (Yeek - the gas here is up to about $3.15 per gallon and rising). We are in Boston area and have family in CT and NY and NJ. So lots of driving there. But it is nice to see everyone. I had lost touch with a lot of family when I was in the WT but since leaving (I can't believe its been more than 2 years already), we have reconected with most of them. Also, I have been making new friends as many are leaving the WT in my area.

    Went to the beach yesterday with the kids and my girlfriend who is also an ex JW, she was telling me that another gal recently contacted her and said she is not going back to the WT either. Hurray! Now we have another gal to hang around town with. The more the merrier I say.

    It is so nice to have a life again. I have been really happy. My kids are having a great time to with trips to the local teen center, movies with friends and sleepovers, they are very happy and thriving. I am off antidepresents all together now (I had serious depression in the org), have lost 20 pounds this summer ( my bathing suit from 2 years ago finally fits again) and I am starting a new part time job soon doing something I truly love!

    Sorry for rambling. Even if I had nothing to do this summer, just being free from the Org and all its ridulous rules and having my life back and health are reason enough to celebrate. I am sure many of you feel the same way. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys their summer to the MAX! Lilly

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